Hidden Mission?

After learning that Thomson had a special ability and it was an extremely powerful one at that, Nina's gaze toward Thomson had changed from admiration to extreme fanaticism and obedience.

Her loyalty had even increased to 100 points!

Thomson had only seen this kind of fanatical gaze from some believers.

Did Nina think that he was the savior sent by God to save the world?

Thomson suddenly felt that the possibility was very high and did not intend to explain anything.

In the current world, it was not a bad thing to have a belief that could let people live.

However, this misunderstanding had allowed him to complete the hidden mission of the system, giving Thomson a chance to choose one of the three rewards.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission (training a subordinate to be 100% loyal) . The reward is one out of three."

"One: a box of drinking water."

"Two: a sexy woman."

"Three: ten square meters of system space."

Thomson did not think too much about it and chose the third reward directly.

Even if he got a box of drinking water, it would not be easy for him to bring it with him.

Women were not lacking for men in this kind of apocalypse.

Moreover, there was a fair-skinned and beautiful Nina in front of him, who was willing to sacrifice herself for him at any time.

On the other hand, the system space reward was quite novel and it was quite useful. It could store inanimate items indefinitely.

Not to mention anything else, just for the sake of preservation, he would also choose this reward.

With a thought, the tang knife in his hand had instantly disappeared and entered a space connected to Thomson's mind.

"Not bad, this reward isn't bad."

Thomson was very satisfied with his choice. Little did he know that when this scene fell into Nina's eyes, the impact it brought was even more shocking than controlling time.

After all, Nina did not notice anything strange when time stopped. However, this empty hand turned into a white blade was displayed before her eyes.

The fanaticism toward Thomson in her heart could not be increased further.

She originally did not believe in any doctrines, but now that the apocalypse had arrived and the world had collapsed, the entire human race was under an unprecedented threat.

Everyone could not protect themselves. Selfishness, lust, evil, and sin shrouded everyone's heads.

When she was in despair, she tried to pray, but she did not get any response.

At that moment, a man with powers beyond human control appeared in front of her and saved her, just like a superhero in a movie.

He was brave and powerful.

Not far away, there were still the roars of zombies.

However, Nina no longer had any fear in her heart.

She did not believe in the Lord, only Thomson.

With him by her side, she would definitely be safe.

Thomson did not know what Nina was thinking about.

After he had received the system reward, the next phase of the mission came one after another.


"Host, to dominate the post-apocalyptic world, one needs great strength and experience."

"Host, please kill 1,000 zombies. If the mission is completed, there will be a generous reward."

"Host, you need a force to dominate the post-apocalyptic world. Please take in three subordinates. If you complete the mission, you'll be rewarded handsomely."

"Host, if you dominate the post-apocalyptic world, you should have stronger subordinates. Please ask your subordinate Nina to kill 10 zombies. If you complete the mission, you'll be rewarded handsomely."

It was not a difficult mission. As long as you had enough time, you would be able to complete it.

There were quite a few scattered zombies on this floor. Let Nina get rid of them and finish a mission first.

"Nina, take my knife and clean up the zombies on this floor."

Thomson gave the order.

Nina did not have any objections. She did not even hesitate. She took the tang knife and left, clearing rooms one by one.

Thomson watched from the side. Once he found a dangerous situation, he would use time freeze to stop the crisis.

Nina was worthy of being from the police academy. After recovering her strength, she was still able to deal with two zombies easily.

Even if she were ambushed by zombies in the corner, she could still turn the situation around.

Most men could not compare with this close combat skill.

Thomson's underling was worth it.

She had easily dealt with the scattered zombies and the related system mission was completed, so Thomson could receive the reward.

"One: a flamethrower."

"Two: a chainsaw."

"Three: a grenade."


They were all lethal weapons.

Thompson did not know what to do.

His current target was the storage room on the 27th floor.

However, the corridor on the 27th floor was full of zombies. By rough estimation, there were at least 100 of them.

With his current spiritual power, the duration of time freeze was not enough for Thomson to kill all these d*mn things.

If he could not attack them head-on, he could only use his wits.

Zombies were very sensitive to sound. Even the slightest noise would attract their attention.

In that case, the flamethrower would be excluded.

The second reward, the chainsaw, was a good choice.

As for the grenade, it could indeed make a loud noise, but it would not last long and would not attract the attention of a large number of zombies.

A plan gradually formed in Thomson's mind.

It was a bit risky, but it was worth a try.

There might only be twenty-seven floors in the entire building that still had a large amount of supplies.

Thomson did not think much of the scattered resources on the other floors.

This was not a place where he had lived for a long time. He had seen through the window just now that there was a shopping mall about one to two kilometers away. There must be a large amount of supplies there.

However, the streets downstairs were full of zombies. It was extremely difficult to clear them, so he could only think of ways to avoid them.

However, if he did that, he would have to increase the distance and spend more time to reach there.

Having enough survival supplies became their first goal.

Therefore, Thomson was determined to proceed to the 27th floor.

After searching all the rooms, Nina had collected all the food and handed it to Thomson.

Thomson did not pick it up. "Nina, I have a plan. It's very dangerous..."

"No problem!"

Before Thomson could finish, Nina immediately agreed. "I believe in you."

With a thought, Thomson took the chainsaw out and held it in front of Nina, laughing.

"Do you want to play the lead role in chainsaw horror?"