How Did He Get In?

It was the middle of the night and it was very quiet. Even the slightest noise could spread far and wide.

Although the entire city was like a dead land during the day and there was not much difference, it was very inconvenient for Nina to move at this time.

After all, she did not have a discerning eye like Thomson, who had the ability to see in the dark as if it was daytime.

For Nina's safety, Thomson had postponed the implementation of the plan until tomorrow.

There was nothing to prepare. A chainsaw and a person with a chainsaw were enough.

The rest was left to him.

Nina was very diligent and kept moving around the corridor, collecting the survival supplies in each room.

After searching thoroughly, she had found a lot of things.

Among them was a large bucket of drinking water.

Thomson took a part of it and put it into the system space. The rest was for Nina to clean herself and change into clean clothes.

Due to limited conditions, water, which was an extremely precious survival resource, was used lesser. Nina had not taken a bath for more than half a month and the blood stains on her body had long stank, mixed with all kinds of smells.

Previously, Nina thought that they had been trapped in the room by zombies and could not bear to let Thomson fight the zombies in close combat for this reason. When she wanted to offer herself to Thomson, Thomson had noticed this.

This was also the reason why he had rejected Nina.

Dirty sex was too easy to get sick.

Although Thomson had taken the genetic optimization liquid himself, his physical fitness had improved in all aspects.

However, this did not mean that his immune cells could ignore the invasion of all kinds of bacteria.

Once there was a problem, Thomson would not know where to go to solve it.

Drugs were extremely rare now. So far, Thomson had not even seen a common antibiotic, let alone drugs to treat it.

In any case, Nina was already his. Thomson was not in a hurry. There were plenty of opportunities.

After a night of rest, both of them had recovered to their best condition.

The plan was officially carried out.

Thomson stood at the safety door with Nina in his arms. He concentrated his mind and started to activate his superpower.

Time stopped!

While activating his superpower, he quickly opened the safety door and kicked away the zombies who had been guarding the place yesterday. Then, he carried Nina and ran downstairs.

His strength and speed were twice that of an ordinary person's. Thomson did not waste any time and went down to the 18th floor in ten seconds.

With a thought, he took out the chainsaw from the system space and put it on the ground. Then, he quickly returned to the corridor on the 26th floor and closed the safety door.

The entire process only took less than half a minute and did not consume much of his spirit. According to Thomson's estimation, he might be able to use his power two more times.

After being taught a lesson from the day before, Thomson no longer used his superpowers at will.

It was too dangerous. Fortunately, Nina was by his side at that time. Otherwise, those three zombies would have killed him!


Suddenly, a loud noise came from the stairwell. It was the sound of a chainsaw being activated, which spread throughout the entire building.

This was the most dangerous part of the plan. Nina had used herself as bait to lure the zombies on the twenty-seventh floor away.

The reason for the danger was that after killing more than a hundred zombies, Thomson discovered that these zombies were not really slow. Instead, they were like animals like bears or squirrels. To reduce the loss of their own energy, they fell into a state similar to hibernation.

Once they were stimulated by the smell of blood or flesh or by loud noises, they would be awakened from this state.

At this time, zombies were the real zombies.

They were faster than an adult man, stronger, and did not know fatigue or pain.

As long as they met, they could not escape at all.

Thomson did not have much time left. These zombies would soon catch up with Nina and tear her into pieces.

However, there were too many zombies and the stairway was narrow. They could not finish it in a short time.

The noise in the stairway was even more intense. The roars of the zombies mixed in, making it even more shrill.

Thomson seized the opportunity and kicked open the safety door. He held the tang knife in his hand and charged into the zombie crowd.

Time stopped!

Facing the zombie crowd, Thomson did not dare to be careless. He directly used his special ability to kill more than ten zombies and rushed up to the 27th floor.

The electric saw's method of attracting the zombie horde was indeed effective. The corridor on the 27th floor was empty. Thomson found the storage room that Nina had mentioned and kicked the door.


The door let out a muffled sound, but it did not move at all.

Thomson slightly frowned. With his strength that was twice that of an ordinary person, although he could not be considered to be at the peak of the human race, this door would not be completely still.

Being in the apocalypse, Thomson could not help but think a little more.

It was very likely that someone had already been to this storage room and after taking the supplies for themselves, they had placed a lot of things at the door to block it.

If that was the case, then no matter what, Thomson would not be able to rely on brute force to charge in.

He could even withstand the attack of zombies, not to mention the current him.

Therefore, he tentatively asked.

"Is there anyone inside? I'm a human."

Sounds of dragging objects could be heard from inside, but no one answered.

Thomson waited patiently while maintaining 200% vigilance.


The door was opened by a crack, revealing a dark muzzle.

Thomson's pupils constricted. The power of time freeze was used almost instinctively, and in that instant, the door was knocked open and the gun was taken.

The danger was instantly lifted and the power effect dissipated.

The middle-aged white man who had his gun taken came back to his senses. When he saw Thomson suddenly appear in front of him, playing with his gun, his eyes were filled with shock.

What was going on?

How did he get in?

How did his gun end up in his opponent's hands?