The Second Subordinate, Lester!

It was obvious that the man in front of him would not answer his question.

Lester sensibly raised both of his hands, indicating that he was not a threat.

"Hey, friend, you know that I don't mean any harm or else I wouldn't have opened the door."

Thomson did not reply. He looked at the situation in the storage room and frowned slightly.

The place that used to be a shelf was now empty. Only a few boxes were left in the corner of the wall.

Judging from the packaging, it should be something like canned food.

It was not much. If he ate sparingly, it should be enough for him and Nina to eat on the way to the mall.

Liam was very good at reading people's expressions. When he saw Thomson's gaze lingering on the food boxes, he suggested, "If you want it, you can take all of it. I have no objections."

"Is that all?" Thomson asked.

Liam said embarrassingly, "There were a lot of things here, but when I came here, a lot of them had already been taken away. After eating for a month... This is all that's left."

Thomson still had to go and pick up Nina. There was no time to waste. Without hesitation, he waved his hand and put everything into the system space.


Liam's eyes were wide open and his jaw almost dropped. "Brother, are you a f*cking magician?"

"What do you think?"

Thomson suddenly frowned.

He saw that the mission of killing a thousand zombies on the system interface began to jump.

However, he had not fought against zombies yet.

This meant that Nina was fighting with zombies and those zombies that were killed were on his account.

These were not scattered zombies!

They were zombies!

Even Thomson was helpless against a zombie horde!

Thomson did not want to give up on Nina as his subordinate, so he immediately turned around and left.

"Hey, wait!"

Lester hurriedly ran out but he could not even catch up with Thomson's back.

At this time, the noise in the stairs had stopped and only the zombies continued to roar.

Lester could not help but cry. He knew that the way down had been blocked by zombies and he was still trapped here. It was just that he had changed from a room to a floor.

At this time, Thomson quickly went down while checking if the number of kills was still changing.

If it was still changing, it meant that Nina was definitely alive.

If it was not changing, it meant that something bad had happened to Nina.

It was also possible that she had successfully escaped.

However, the possibility of that happening was extremely small.

Even if it was a well-trained armed team, it was impossible for them to survive a close combat with such a large number of zombies that had already been provoked.

Not to mention that Nina was only a single person and she was only a woman.

Zombies would not show mercy to women.

According to the original plan, he should have let Nina draw the attention of the zombie crowd and escape through the fire stairs outside the building to meet him on the roof. He should not have come into contact with the zombie crowd.

Unless something unexpected happened.

That was indeed the case.

Nina had followed the plan but she had never expected that the sound of the chainsaw cutting the stairs was so loud that even the zombies on the street outside the building were attracted and rushed up from below.

Coincidentally, she was between the two floors. She could not advance or retreat, so she could not get close to the safety door.

Nina could only use the chainsaw in her hand to tear them into pieces.

Fortunately, this chainsaw was a product of the system. It was abnormally sharp and everywhere it passed, there were broken limbs and debris. It forcefully withstood the initial pincer attack.

A chainsaw was danced vigorously by her, like a chainsaw butcher.

However, this was only a slow death.

There were too many zombies and it was impossible to kill all of them.

Furthermore, with such a heavy chainsaw swinging continuously, Nina already felt that her two arms were gradually losing control and she was about to lose control of it.

Seeing that the endless zombies were about to drown her, she suddenly felt that everything had stopped. It was as if at this moment, even space and time were frozen.

When Nina regained her consciousness, the scene in front of her suddenly changed. The scene of countless zombies roaring turned into Thomson's handsome face.

"I knew you'd save me!"

Nina sobbed and threw herself into Thomson's arms, but her tone was filled with joy.

She was really scared just now.

Just a second later, the zombie's claws would have scratched her throat and she would never see Thomson again.

The joy of surviving the disaster surged in her heart and she could not help but hug the man in front of her tightly, trying to gain the sense of security that she had just been scared away.

"Hey, brother, are you still a man if you let a woman take the risk for you?"

A rough voice was heard.

The two of them turned their heads at the same time and saw Lester in the corner of the roof.

His body was in a sorry state and his face was covered in blood. It was obvious that he had fought against zombies on the way up.

He was able to kill zombies one-on-one in such a berserk state, so he was quite powerful.

Thomson could not help but look at him with his eye of insight.

A pile of information appeared.

[Name: Lester]

[Age: 27]

[Strength: 13 (normal person, 10 points)]

[Speed: 11 (normal person, 10 points)]

[Vitality: 14 (normal person, 10 points)]

[Spirit: 11 (normal person, 10 points)]

[Superpower: None]

[Loyalty: 70 (shaken by the current situation)]


'I made a mistake.'

'I thought that Lester was a middle-aged man.'

'I didn't expect him to be only 27 years old. He just looked a little older.'

Moreover, looking at his attributes, he looked ordinary. There was nothing special about him.

However, this panel only showed the basic attributes of an individual's body. It did not represent his full strength, just like Nina's fighting skills.

Lester might also have some outstanding points.

However, his loyalty score was very strange.

Even Nina was only 50. How could this person who pointed a gun at him reach 70?

Faced with Lester's ridicule, Thomson did not explain, only stating a fact.

"What I want to do, no one can replace it."

Thomson clearly saw that after he said this, Lester's loyalty suddenly rose to 80 points!

"Do you mind having one more partner in your team?"

"Not interested." Nina rejected on behalf of Thomson with a cold face. Where did this idiot come from to want to be on equal footing with her master?

Lester was not disappointed. He smiled and said, "Then I can only be your little brother. Just give me a bite to eat."

Nina looked at Thomson, seeking his opinion.

Thomson did not say anything. He just nodded lightly.