The Mentality of An Apocalypse Overlord

Women were always emotional. When she said this, her eyes were filled with tenderness and Thomson could not help but feel touched.

He chose the second reward!

He opened his hand and a small bottle containing transparent liquid appeared. There were four kinds of lights in it that were faintly discernible and it happened to match four kinds of elements.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

Nina looked happy. It was in girls' nature to like fancy things.

Thomson smiled and stroked her hair. "Try it."

"Do you want to drink it..." Nina felt it was a pity that it was given to her.

"If you don't drink it, you won't be able to help me."

"Then I'll drink it!"

Nina drank it in one gulp. The four kinds of lights stayed between her lips and teeth, crowding each other. It was a strange situation.

"How is it? Do you feel anything?" Thomson asked.

Nina tried to feel it carefully. "It seems... Quite delicious..."

"What about other feelings?"

"It's gone..."

Thomson was a little disappointed. "Did I fail?"

He checked it with his eye of insight. From the panel, there was indeed no change.

The probability of 50% was neither high nor low. It was normal to fail.

However, it did not matter. Failure was the mother of success.

Thomson did not believe that he could not help Nina acquire a superpower if he kept accomplishing his missions.

"Come, let's go get some supplies."

Thomson was relieved. He led the group to the entrance of the underground shelter and looked at the surveillance system that was still running.

"If you're watching, let's talk."

He said this to those who could still make decisions.

After a while, there was no response from the door.

Obviously, they felt that Thomson could do nothing about them, so they simply ignored him.

Nina suddenly approached and whispered a few words into Thomson's ear. After getting his nod of approval, she took a step forward and put her hands on her hips.

"Listen up, all the idiots in there!

"Taylor has been killed by my master. Those who don't want to die, come out and receive training. Otherwise, don't think that you're safe just because you're hiding underground. You'll never imagine how powerful people with superpowers are!

"When the time comes, we'll deal with each and every one of you. No one will be able to escape!

"If you come out to surrender, I'll consider letting you continue doing what you were doing before!"

Less than half a minute after she had said this, the sound of machinery could be heard coming from the specially made door.

Nina gave Thomson a look of success.

Only then did Thomson feel that it was a foolish act to try to reason with them.

To deal with these people, he should not have the patience he had with Nina.

If there was anything, he could just threaten their lives and be done with it.

As his mentality changed, the system bell rang.


"Congratulations, host, for possessing the mentality of an Apocalypse Overlord. You've received a reward of one out of three choices!"

"One: expand the system space by 20 square meters."

"Two: gene-optimized liquid type I ×3."

"Three: temporary strengthening potion for special abilities. It can greatly increase the strength of one's special abilities in a short period of time. It can also provide a large amount of required spiritual power."


"I choose one."

Thomson made his choice very quickly.

He was about to get the resources and his ten square meters of system space was already insufficient.

The optimization potion was not in a hurry for the time being. The system had not issued any related missions yet, so upgrading it would not have much effect.

The temporary strengthening potion was similar to the elemental summoning card. They were both disposable items, which Thomson directly passed.

The gate of the base opened and a few fully armed hunters stood in the elevator.

"Who... Can make the decision?"

James spoke on Thomson's behalf.

To deal with these small figures, it was naturally for his underlings to handle it.


A tall man stood out.

"Very good."

James looked at him and said indifferently, "Where is the material warehouse?"

The tall man hesitated for a moment. This was related to the safety of all their lives. Even if they did not die by the other party's hands, they would still die in the end. He had no choice.

James saw his worry and said, "Don't worry. We only need a part of it."

The tall man pondered for a moment and said, "I can take you to the warehouse, but you have to promise me one thing."


"No matter what you see, you're not allowed to kill any member of the Hunter Squad."

Nina had a bad temper. "Do you dare to bargain with us?"

"No... I don't dare..."

The tall man felt a little guilty and said, "They... Were also brought up like that by Taylor. They are all children and have no sense of right and wrong."

"What exactly did they do?" James narrowed his eyes.


Cold sweat broke out on the tall man's head. He thought of something and said, "How about... I ask them to send up what the bosses want. The shelter is dark and damp and there's nothing to see."

James snorted lightly and quietly activated his superpower.

"I'm asking you a question and you dare to answer something that's not what I asked for?"

The tall man was in a trance. Just as he was about to fall into it like Lester, Thomson spoke.

"Alright, it's decided then."

James was stunned and withdrew his superpower.

The tall man, who had returned to normal, trembled. His entire body was drenched in sweat as if he had been fished out of the water.

No one knew what he had seen in the illusion.

Thomson looked at him and said without hesitation, "It's okay to send the supplies up, but after I leave, James has to stay."

The tall man glanced at James, his eyes full of fear.

Seeing him like this, the subordinates behind him were at a loss.

"What? You don't agree?" Nina continued to add fuel to the fire.

"Okay... No problem..."

The tall man could not withstand the pressure and had no choice but to agree. "Then... I'll go and move the supplies now."

Thomson suddenly raised his hand and made a grasping gesture.

Instantly, the tall man felt as if something was strangling his throat and his body slowly rose.

"Spare... Spare me..."

The tall man said these words with difficulty.

Thomson's gaze was as sharp as a knife. "After a period of time, I'll come back to investigate. If anything happens to James, no matter where you run to, I'll make you...

"I'll bury your entire family together!"