Fire Elemental Power!

This kind of threat was very effective.

No one wanted to resist before the power they could not see.

Thomson gradually began to like this way of doing things.

It was simple yet effective.

A group of people hurriedly went down to carry supplies.

Thomson took the rest of the people to the tent to rest.

Among the four people, only Nina was not injured.

Thomson had a penetrating wound on his hand. James had wounds on both knees while Lester was in an even worse state. His body was covered in wounds.

Not only that, but he also had to carry a 100-pound teenager on his back and bear the weight that his body should not bear.

All of them needed medical treatment.

The injuries on the three people were too serious. If Thomson and James' physiques had not been improved by the gene-optimized liquid, they would have fallen sick in bed due to infection and tetanus.

Thomson took out the last bottle of basic gene-optimized liquid as well as the life extraction potion that the grand prize had prescribed, and threw it to James.

"Give it to Lester. His body can't hold on much longer."

Thomson looked at the teenager quietly. "Be careful when you're alone here. These two bottles are enough for him to become very strong. They can protect you, but they'll also bite you back."

"I understand, Boss."

James shook the evolution fluid in his hand. "I still have this."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Soon, the Hunter Squad had sent food and water as well as some of the medicine they needed.

They did not have anywhere else to go for the time being.

Thomson and the others could only rest here.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days had passed.

Under Thomson's instructions, Nina used the firearms and resources in the military base to continuously hunt zombies outside.

After accumulating for so long, she had finally completed the mission of killing 1,000 zombies.


"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission. Your subordinate, Nina, has killed 1,000 zombies and obtained one out of three rewards!"

"One: gene-optimized liquid type I ×3."

"2: gene-optimized liquid type III, an upgraded version of the previous gene reagent. After consuming it, there's a chance to greatly increase one's attributes in a certain aspect."

"3: 10,000 bullets of any type."


"I choose 3."

Nina's ammunition had already been used up and this military base was just as they had expected. The military supplies had long been emptied and there was simply no supply of sniper bullets.

After that, they would head to the Western District to look for Caitlin. Bullets were a necessity.

Although the type III gene enhancement fluid was also very tempting, for the sake of a smoother journey ahead, it was understandable for them to give up some of their personal strength.

This was not the end.

"Congratulations to host for completing the first round of mission. You've obtained a silver grand gift pack!"

"Ding! The second round of the mission has been released."

"Host, to become the Overlord of the Apocalypse, you'll need to be strong and experienced."

"Host, please kill 10,000 zombies. If you complete the mission, you'll be rewarded handsomely."

"Host, to become the Overlord of the Apocalypse, you'll need a force. Host, please take in 10 subordinates. If you complete the mission, you'll be rewarded handsomely."

"Host, to become the Overlord of the Apocalypse, you should've stronger subordinates. Please let each of them have more than 200 points in total attributes. If you complete the mission, you'll be rewarded handsomely. Progress: 0/3."

"Host, the post-apocalyptic world should've enough subordinates. Please let them kill a certain number of zombies."

"Host, the post-apocalyptic world should've its own confidants. Please let the loyalty of your two subordinates reach 100. Progress: 1/2.

"Host, the post-apocalyptic world should've its own subordinates. You need your confidants to have the strength to lead your subordinates. Please let your two confidants have elemental superpowers. Progress: 1/2.

"Progress: 1/2."

Another big gift pack reward and a bunch of new missions.

Thomson was looking forward to it. Although it was a little lower than the previous one, it should be able to bring him a lot of things he needed.

After opening it, as expected, three good things appeared.

Elemental ability condensing liquid: after consuming it, one could store all kinds of elements in the body, thus possessing the ability to release elemental abilities anytime and anywhere.

Energy storage condensing liquid: after consuming it, one could gain the ability to gather all of one's own strength and release it in one go.

Water element affinity - ability awakening liquid: after consuming it, the user could have an affinity toward the water element, which could further manifest the effect of the water element.


"Release elemental abilities anytime and anywhere?"

Seeing the first condensing liquid, Thomson could not help but fall into deep thought.

Now, it seemed that Nina had successfully activated her power after drinking the potion, but she could not release it.

This was because her body did not have enough natural elements in reserve.

This was confirmed when he compared with the mission situation.

Thomson only had one confidant, Nina.

Thinking about it, it made sense. The previous battle with Taylor had also used the wind energy between heaven and Earth.

If there was no wind, Thomson would not have used such a method.

He could not create such a powerful wind force with his psyche power.

After figuring out the reason, Thomson took out the bottle of potion and let Nina take it.

Soon, bright red elemental energy began to appear around her body.

It was fire!

Nina had activated the fire elemental ability!

It was exactly in line with her personality, which liked to keep people at a distance from her as she would always shout and fight.

This time, Thomson took another look with his eye of insight.

[Name: Nina.]

[Age: 20.]

[Strength: 20 (normal person, 10 points).]

[Speed: 25 (normal person, 10 points).]

[Vitality: 22 (normal person, 10 points).]

[Spirit: 20 (normal person, 10 points).]

[Elemental points: 20 (normal person, none).]

[Special: 100 (she already has a fixed sexual partner. She no longer uses her hands to solve her physiological problems.)]

[Ability: none.]

[Elemental ability: fire enchantment. It can increase the powerful fire attack effect on any weapon. The more elemental points it adds, the better the effect and the longer the enchantment lasts.]

[Loyalty: 100 (max value: 100).]
