In-Fighting And Resolve

 Once he knew that his friend was gone, Levi swam over to Selena's side. He grabbed her hand with his, and had to constantly keep his smile in check. Completely containing his happiness was impossible, but he would keep it from outwardly showing until they were alone..

 Needing the distraction, Levi asked; "So what should we do first? Retrieve the crown, or complete the final Labor?"

 Serenity chewed on her lip a moment before speaking; "I think we should do the Labor first. We know the crown is safe where it is, right? Why risk letting Medeva get her hands on it?"

 Matt nodded in agreement before adding; "And we don't even know if we can get to it before Ren finishes the last one. Kinda feels like one of those 'death-defying, home-stretch of the journey' things."

 Levi flashed Matt a worried expression; "Are those common in your world?! What kind of a place do you two live in?!"