Siren’s Call


 The four stayed within the Dracons' Den until they had figured out their plan. They were going to immediately go back to the Undine palace, and start researching possible sites where the crown might be. Selena could send a messenger to the Merfolk Palace after they arrived, so Draxzel and the rest knew that they were okay.

 Any potential places would be marked on a map, then searched by groups after. It might take them a while, depending on how many, and where the potential sites were. For example, the the Gorgon Chrych in the Deep would take them time to reach and search.

 Serenity had an idea of where to search first: the Monarch's Edifice. That, and the Undine temple were two of the oldest buildings in the Aquarian histories. She had found that out during her all-nighter research venture before her trial with the Undine Council.