What He Knows


 As the Darkness dissipated, Serenity and Matt swam over. They were whispering amongst themselves, then stopped when they came up to Selena and the glaring Baskil. Levi was right behind them, and heard what they were talking about..

 "Well, the failed heroes are all here," Baskil sneered as Selena kept him in place with her Vortex Sword.

 Serenity quirked an eyebrow at him; "Wow, did that darkness blind you? It was like sixty to four, and we're still standing. Whose the failure here?"

 Matt smirked; "Oh I'm sure Medeva will see it as an Epic fail.."

 Baskil glared at him before retorting; "My Queen will still win in the end! You challenge a power greater than any other! The mother and father of all! They will choose their favorite children, and create a new world for us! And All of You will cease to exist!"