After Noah called his mom and notified her about his arrival at the school, he went ahead and completed his registration.

Then after the registration, Noah was given a room in one of the best dormitories in the university, and this was due to his position amongst the 100 students that were awarded scholarships into the university.

Noah got the third-highest score in the scholarship entrance examination, he scored 90% on dot, nothing more nothing less.

The name of the dormitory he was placed in is called The Cage…

Noah stood outside with his things, as he looked and admired the structure of the dormitory he was going to be staying in for now.

He involuntary recalled what the registrar said to him when he went for registration.

"Noah Martins, middle name Seobin. The person with the third-highest score in the recent examination. Not bad kid."

The brown-skinned lady, with medicated glasses, nodded at him as she was processing his registration. This lady looked as if she was in her mid-30s.

When Noah heard that he got the third highest score, he was shocked. He never expected to make it that high. He didn't even care to check his score after he wrote the exams, he just knew that he wrote the correct answers in his papers.

Not that he wasn't aware that he was gifted academically, he just didn't think or let himself believe that he was above all, despite his unintentional arrogant nature.

As someone logical, he was clear with the fact that there's no strongest or smartest person in this world, there's only someone stronger, someone smarter, someone better. And this is logic that he can't deny, nor will he deny.

The registrar quickly typed in some information about him after asking him the required questions. Noah replied calmly and efficiently, making the woman smile.

Since his arrival there, his facial expression didn't change much. He didn't smile at her compliments nor did he smile at her jokes, yet she didn't think that it was awkward or disrespectful because of the tone Noah spoke with.

"Now, I hope you know that the school runs on a ranking system. If your grades fall below a particular range, or your rank falls by 3, your dormitory will be changed.

And I have to be direct with you, the dormitory that the school placed you in, is one of the most sought dormitories in the school.

Meaning that a lot of people want a space in your dormitory, and the competition for that place is no laughing matter.

The reason why the dormitory is called the cage is that, that's what it is to the people that stay there. You will be sharing an apartment with someone else.

Do not break the rules of the dormitory or else you will be removed from the dormitory." She informed him.

Noah nodded his head as he pretty much understood what she said.

Before he left, she gave him a 'Student Guide booklet', an ID card from the university and gave him a key card for his room…

"So this is The Cage, huh?" He spoke under his breath.

The navy blue, 4 story building in front of him was completely different from what he had been imagining when he was in the registration office.

He carried his luggage and made his way into the dormitory. The security by the reception stopped him and asked him some questions about what he was doing here.

After showing the security his keycard and ID card, the security called someone to help him carry his luggage to his room.

Noah's room was on the fourth floor, room 3. His journey from the first floor to the third floor filled him up with admiration for the intricate designs and beauty of the dormitory.

The walls on the inside of the dormitory were ash and the door was black, marked with little lines of gold.

He placed his keycard on the lock screen of the door and waited a second before it opened up.

As soon as he stepped in, the lights in the hallways automatically illuminated the apartment.

Noah stood in front of his room with a stunned expression, he wasn't expecting the apartment to be this big. From what he could see already, he could tell that the apartment could contain his family and still have more space left.

He walked down to the sitting room and the workers that helped him bring his luggage up came to his side.

From the sitting room, the fully equipped kitchen and dining could be seen. There was a flat-screen TV by the end of the sitting room, and some expensive-looking couches placed at strategic spots of the room.

"Sir, you're the first one here, pick a room so that we can help you arrange your things." One of the workers said, snapping Noah out of his daze.

"Oh, where are the rooms?" He asked before coughing a bit in embarrassment.

'Mom told me not to get intimidated by the wealth here and I already am. But damn, this doesn't look like a dormitory, it looks like a freaking 5star hotel or something like that.' Noah thought.

"By the left-hand side of the room, there are two rooms there. One, Master bedroom and the other a guest room. The same thing on the right too. So do you want the room by the right-hand side of the room or the left?"

The worker smiled as he explained to Noah. "Uhh," Noah looked around. "The right-hand side I guess, since we're closer to that part, we might as well head there." He answered and took the lead towards the right-wing of the apartment…

It didn't take long for the workers to help Noah arrange his things, and while they were doing that, Noah toured his apartment room. For the guest room, there was a toilet and bathroom just opposite its door.

The guest room was bigger than the room he had been sleeping in for the last 6 years, it was bigger than any bedroom he had ever slept in.

The Master bedroom was even bigger than the guest room, with its own toilet and bathroom.

After the workers were gone, Noah stopped admiring the apartment and started looking around with a serious expression on his face.

'I need to search for any CCTV cameras in the apartment, then look for suitable compartments where I could hide the drugs. Then look around the school for safe places where I can sell the drugs.

I need to prepare escape routes, back-ups for my escape routes. I won't take any chances while I'm here.

If I get caught and expelled for selling drugs in the school ground, mom will be really sad and disappointed in me.' He thought with a frown as he imagined Sonny's disappointment.

Noah shook his head to rid himself of that imagination.

"There's a lot of work to do." He removed his shirt and change his trousers into black, faded Capri pants.

He wore a flip flop and began searching his room for cameras. 'Although it will be illegal to put CCTV cameras in the room, invading our privacy, I suppose a school as rich La Scala could bypass that law.

I can never be too careful here.' Noah reasoned as he searched his room.

When he was done searching his room, he moved to the sitting room, then to the kitchen.

"Alright, it's good that there are no cameras in here." He muttered with a smile. "Now to look for good marketing spots." Noah went ahead to put his sneakers on and an ash sleeveless shirt on.

He wanted to use the excuse of running to scout out good spots for himself…

Noah spent the last 2 hours picking and auguring circumstances or scenarios of how things could go down with the spots he picked.

When he was done, he checks the time on his wristwatch.

"17:13" He then looked up at the setting sun. Doing this brought some kind of serenity to his mind. It was one of the little acts that he loved to do, watch the sunset.

Unknowingly, Noah had walked to the sports ground of the university. The voices of multiple people snapped him out of his trance.

He made a light whistle when he saw the number of students that gathered here.

When he was out scouting for good spots, he didn't come across many students. And he thought that it was because the school still hasn't resumed.

Now seeing the people gathered here made him doubt that.

Many of them were busy watching the athletes down on the track race themselves. They screamed and cheered and made bets on who would win the race.

'These rich kids are way too spendthrift.' He marveled at the amount of money they were betting on just a single race.

"Quiet down guys, quiet down." A lean, muscular, fair skin athlete uttered loudly.

The athlete's voice grabbed the attention of many people that were there.

"So as many of you guys already know, my name is Jason." The athlete introduced himself.

"Wooo!!That's right!!! Jason the speedster!!!" someone from amongst the crowd cheered.

"Thank you, thank you, I'm glad to see a fan." He chuckled as he joked. "So I've been here for a little over an hour and no one has challenged me to race. Believe me, I have been itching for a little competition for a long while now.

Since that's the case, I've decided to give anyone that dares to challenge me to a 100m dash, €200, and if you win the race I'll make it €2000. Who's in?"

Although this was a school for the rich, money was still money. A few of the people there were a bit tempted to race Jason, including Noah.

He was the one there that was tempted the most by the prize money for winning against Jason…