Noah stared at Jason from afar. Jason had fair skin and short brown hair. His nose pointed and lips thin.

He stood at the height of 5'9". He was quite handsome and attractive.

'These rich kids really don't know what to use their money on, ehh? Just to race with him, he'll give me €200 and after I win the race, I could get an extra €2000.' Noah chuckled at the thought of taking Jason's money.

"Like taking candy from a baby." He blurted out unconsciously.

Noah was very confident in himself, him, losing the race didn't cross his mind. To other people, they might say that he had mistaken confidence for arrogance.

"Really, you think it's that easy to race and win against me?" Jason questioned.

Almost everyone there heard what Noah said. Many of them doubted his claim though. Jason was fairly famous amongst the school's track athletes.

Hearing Jason's voice brought Noah back to reality.

"Oh, are you talking to me?" Noah asked.

"Yeah, you just said that something far-fetched. You have quite a nice build, tight leg muscles, and a credible upper body. You work out and might be able to bring a little competition to the table. Are you willing to prove yourself?" Jason questioned with a smirk on his face.

"Uhh, yeah, why not? Just as long as I get the cash prize." Noah shrugged his shoulders.

"Hahaha, sure. I said that I would give €200 if anyone dares to challenge me, and you just did. So here's your €200." Jason removed €200 from his friend's pocket and handed it to Noah.

A little smile appeared on Noah's lips when he saw the money being offered to him. 'Today might be my lucky day.' He thought.

Noah went closer and collected the money. He looked at the money with scrutiny at first, looking at it carefully as if he was trying to figure out if it was a counterfeit.

Seeing Noah do this, Jason felt insulted. €200 was nothing to him and yet this person was doubting his ability to present such amount.

He scowled at Noah. 'Who's this fool? Where did he come from? How dare he doubt my money in front of all these people like this?' Jason thought in anger.

But he made sure not to show his true emotions on his face.

Following this, Noah spoke; "You can never be too trusting now, can you?"

His comment made some of the people around laugh. Many of them here thought nothing of €200. So hearing him say that was kind of funny to them.

"Are we going to race or not?" Jason asked impatiently.

"Sure, sure. Let's head to the track." Noah took the lead and went to the starting point of the race track. Jason wasted no time in following behind him.

"Who's going to oversee this race?!" Jason shouted as he was heading towards the starting line

"I will!!" The person whom Jason got the €200 from, volunteered.

Noah turned and looked at the person that volunteered. "Don't worry, Jay-B wouldn't try to cheat you in front of so many people," Jason uttered mockingly. "Anyway, he doesn't need to do that because you're not worth it." He muttered under his breath.

What he said was loud enough for Noah to hear, but he was unfazed by it. An extra free 2k was all that was in his mind.

"Alright, on your marks!!" Jay-B announced and both Jason and Noah bent their backs forward. They placed one of their knees on the floor and proceeded by placing their hands on the starting line in front of them.

"Set!!!" Jay-B called out and both Noah and Jason raised the knee that they had placed on the floor of the track.

The two of them anticipated Jay-B's go-ahead to start the race.

Jason looked his left and saw the confidence on Noah's face, it made him wonder. 'Why doesn't he look nervous? Is he that confident in his speed or he's just that good?'

Jason gulped and began feeling nervous.

"Goo!!!" Jay-B called out.

Immediately, Noah and Jason shot off the ground.

Just as they started, it was clear that Jason's acceleration differed from Noah's. He took the lead after giving Noah a little gap.

'Heh, to be expected. I am faster than him.' Jason thought.

As soon as they got to the 15 meters mark, Noah caught up with him.

Nearing the 30th mark, Noah had left Jason in his wake, giving him a gap of about 6 meters.

After crossing the 50 meters mark, that gap between the two of them increased by 13 meters.

Seeing Noah Effortlessly increase the gap between the two of them, Jason felt his muscles contract as he tried to force them to surpass their limits.

He couldn't accept that Noah was faster than him, and this wasn't about the money that he is about to lose. It's about his reputation, his image, he didn't want to lose to a nobody.

'Faster, faster, faster!!!!!' Jason thought frantically. 'I am an A-grade track athlete, I can't be bested by this guy.'

Despite his desperation, Jason couldn't catch up to Noah. The distance between the two of them only increased.

Within 15 seconds, the race had ended and the winner of the race was Noah. The person that no one expected to win the race.

The whole crowd was silent, not because Noah bested Jason, but because of the time he used to run 100 meters dash.

Although this wasn't an official race, the time used to complete the race was still being recorded.

"12.33 seconds." The person with the stopwatch read what he recorded.

Those that heard what he said couldn't believe their ears. To complete a 100 meters run in 12 seconds alone would warrant you to become an S-grade track athlete in the school. In fact, in many places in the world.

"Wait, I heard that the school recruited new and talented track athletes. If they did, he's definitely one of them." Someone from amongst the crowd mentioned.

"This new guy even defeated the national record of the fastest college runner, by a second." Another person pointed out.

Jason crossed the finish line 2 seconds later than Noah.

Suddenly, the silent crowd began cheering for Noah.

Noah listened to what they said but he wasn't affected by their cheering, all he wanted was his prize money.

Jason who wasn't standing far away from Noah looked at him with hate in his eyes. 'I was played by this fucker.' He thought in anger.

''An S-grade track athlete chose to run with an A-grade track athlete. Was it his intentions to embarrass me right from the start?' He wondered.

Noah acted like he couldn't see the expression that was on Jason's face, he went closer to him. "So, when do I get the €2000?"

"Why should I give that to you. You cheated!" Jason declared.

Noah arched a brow at his declaration. "Cheated? And how exactly did I do that in front of so many people?"

"You hid the fact that you were an S-grade runner from everyone, including me."

"To be honest, I didn't even know what grade I was until a few seconds ago. Secondly, my grade doesn't matter, you said that anyone could challenge you. Anyone, there was no restriction." Noah said.

"I…" Jason wanted to refute what Noah said but he couldn't because those were his exact words.

Jason looked at the expressions of everyone else that was gathered here, some of them had a look of disgust on their faces.

"It's just €2000, what a sore loser." One of them uttered.

"Fine!!" Jason walked towards Jay-B who had already removed the cash from his pocket. He snatched it roughly from Jay-B's hands and counted it.

"2 grand, are you satisfied now," Jason said before tossing the money at Noah.

Noah was quick enough to catch the money. After he caught it, he unwrapped it and looked at four €500 notes with a smile on his face.

"This isn't over," Jason announced before he left the area together with Jay-B.

"It was a pleasure racing with you" Noah chuckled, happy at the fact that he had just gotten 2 grand that easily on his first day on the school campus.

'If all the rich kids are like this, I could probably earn a lot more than what the school is going to give to me every month.' Noah thought happily.

"Hey, Jason is not the type to let things go easily. He thinks that you cheated." A brown-skinned female approached Noah.

She had black hair that extended to the ends of her neck. A petite figure, and somewhat muscular. She wore a light blue sports top and matching spandex. She looked like she was Albanian. This lady was attractive in her own rights.

"I don't care about what he thinks. I won the race fair and square." Noah shrugged his shoulders and placed the prize money in his pocket.

"Hi, I'm Anisa." She put her hand out, waiting for Noah to shake it.

"Noah." He responded without taking her hand and even walking away.

Despite his rude gesture, it didn't put Anisa away. "So are you on the track team?" She questioned as soon as she caught up with him.


"Really?" She frowned, thinking that Noah was lying to her.

"If you are not on the school's track team, which team are you in?"

"None and I don't plan on joining any. It's a distraction from what I want to study, medicine." Noah answered, leaving Anisa shocked with his words.