"Honestly, why are all my wives so noisy today." The Void king said, turning to see Lilia show showed up the minute he stepped inside Pentagon. She looked at him in a strange way, as if something was missing. King Jubilee guessed what this was easily.
"If you're looking for Sol, he's not here. I made him accompany my son."
"You made him what?"
"Sol accompanied Jules. They should be making their way to the plantation as we speak." Lilia looked at the king like he was some sort of madman.
"Jubilee…has all this work fried your brain cells? You made Sol accompany your crazed lunatic of a son?"
"Lilia, calm down it's not like the world would end."
"Oh it might as well if that boy gets injured again." Lilia said; a headache forming in his head at that moment.
Meanwhile, Jubilee was just silent. He stood perfectly still which unsettled Lilia a bit.