The Queen

"Are you sure you're allowed to fight?" Alice held a wooden training sword on her hand. Waiting for her opponent who was still stretching at that moment. Sol.

"Yeah. I'm basically fully healed now so you shouldn't worry too much about me." The boy said, wanting to get some sweat going. He was idle for so long that his muscles needed to be stretched again and, the best way he knew how was to move every inch of it. Namely, through sparring.

"Heh…You know, come to think of it. We've never actually had a real duel before." Alice mentioned, swinging her arm in a clockwise motion.

"Pretty much, we've always been caught up on a bunch of stuff where dueling wasn't necessary. So, you know." Sol raised his own sword; signaling that he was ready.

"Shall we begin?" He said, with an excited smile forming on his opponent's face.

"This will be your first loss." Alice declared.

"I doubt it."