[Bonus chapter] Planning The Wedding

Anastasia walked to the nearest woman and found that her skin was burnt on her hands. Green orbs of lights were floating around her to heal her. She looked at Anastasia with pain and hate in her eyes. 

"I am sorry that you are in this condition," Anastasia murmured to her. 

"It's all because of you!" she snapped in a low voice. 

Anastasia sat on the trestle stool beside her bed and pressed her hand through the barrier. After initial reluctance, the barrier gave way. Her hand went to the woman's hands. The woman flinched and tried to move her hand away, but she was in too much pain. 

"Ana!" Ileus went and stood behind her, chiding her on the inside for being so reckless. 

Anastasia held them and as if she knew what she was doing, a spell came to her mind. "Izleci jeh." She closed her eyes and let the energy that was thrumming in her heart flow to her hands. When she opened her eyes, the woman's hand was healed completely.