All of them burst out in laughter. Anastasia was feeling on top of the world. She had full trust in her mother-in-law that she would guide them in the right direction. If she wanted an official wedding in both the kingdoms, then she was surely thinking of something. Perhaps a message that she wanted to blast to the Lore. Suddenly she found herself right in her mate's lap and heat built in her body. "What are you doing?" she asked, bewildered at his brazen act.
"How do you feel about that, princess?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows, without a care in the world that his parents or the Shaman or the High Priestess were in the room, all watching them with delight. He folded his arm around her waist, caging her.
She bit her bottom lip as her face flushed a pale pink. "I am feeling slightly uncomfortable in this position."