Chapter 9: The Confirmation

The sun shone through the thin curtains and woke me from a nightmare of sorts. I dreamt I was trapped in a world where horses and snakes chased me through sandy dunes. It made no sense and seemed foolish in the cold light of day. As I made my way to school, it almost felt like a normal day. The ache in my chest had subsided. It now resounded in my head. His presence had taken root somewhere in my mind and he beckoned for me to come visit again.

Amaara had asked how I was this morning over breakfast, and I gave her a weak smile indicating I was fine and promptly left for school so she couldn’t pry anymore. The truth was, that I wasn’t fine. I had to get confirmation of the encounter and there was only one way to do it. I had to go back, I had to make sure he was really there because if he wasn’t then I had some serious mental health issues. Before I could change my mind, I crossed the road and headed for the bus stop that would take me to the railway station. I was going into London.

On the tube, the heat of the underground forced me to remove my hijab. Absent mindedly, I found myself running my fingers though my hair in an effort to brush the tangles out. It was only when we went careening though a short tunnel, that my reflection revealed I looked like a mess. A moment of panic flitted across my face. I couldn’t meet Vazar in this state. I decided to take out my hairbrush to add a bit of volume to the roots. Why I was fussing over my appearance for an invisible being who may or may not be living in my head, was not something I wanted to give much thought to. But seeing as I was sorting my hair out, I might as well go all the way and touch up my makeup. There was no denying it. I wanted to look my best.

The train thundered into another dark tunnel and my reflection appeared for a tad longer in the acrylic window opposite. I was pleased to see the usual girl who looked back at me had been replaced with a vibrant, young woman whose cheeks were alight with a glowing, deep blush. Her eyes sparkled with excitement and a thrill of pleasure rippled through me knowing that that was what I looked like. I knew it was ridiculous. I didn’t even know what he looked like, and sure as hell didn’t know if he had feelings for me in that way. I sighed, all this unknowing was giving me a headache. The tube chugged along the track and came to an abrupt stop at Holborn station. I changed trains with the pace of a woman on a mission.

Less than 20 minutes later, I found myself pacing outside the familiar museum staring up at the pillars with anxiety. Usually, I would marvel at the stature of the building, but today the beauty of the museum went unnoticed. Now that I had been inside, I knew where to go to get answers to my uncertainty, but I couldn’t summon the will to go in. My heart was in overdrive and my thoughts wouldn’t catch up. I didn’t know how long I paced but when I felt myself tiring, I knew I couldn’t delay any longer. Briskly, I walked over to the main entrance and stepped over the threshold into the cool interior.


The fragrance of her skin hit with the full force I expected it too. My heart leapt with joy and I easily found the energy to leave my chambers to meet her. She was so close; I could sense her. I didn’t expect her to come back so soon, but I was glad she did. I was well aware it had only been one sleep since I had seen her, but that one sleep was almost equivalent to the many years I had spent in the vase alone. It was then I knew that this woman was going to change my life. I had to have her. I had to make her see I was worth the effort.

Floating over to the window, I peered outside into the bright sunshine. I knew she wouldn’t be there. She was already in the building and judging by her scent, she was close. Any second and she would be by my side.


I whipped around and saw her standing by my vase. She was whispering into the glass display case that covered it. In the comical scene, I took a moment to appreciate her beauty. The way her loose hair cascaded over her shoulder, it made me want to run my hands through it. She looked a little different than yesterday, but it wasn’t her looks that attracted me to her. It was something else. Her very presence made me feel like there was hope for a soul like me.

“Are you there?”

I could sense disappointment creeping into her voice and I didn’t want to be the cause her pain. Gliding over, I paused by her side. I lowered myself to the ground and took note of her height. She was standing tall at five feet and six inches. A good six inches shorter than I was.

“You came back,” I spoke softly in order not to frighten her.

She gasped. It sounded more like relief than fright.

“I had…had to…” she stammered putting a hand to her chest.

“I’m glad you did,” I beamed at her.

“I had to find out if I was imagining this… this thing we have going on here,” she waved a hand between us.

“What do we have between us?” I tried my hand at dangerous flirtation. This could backfire on me and I willed it not to.

If she felt anything, she didn’t let it show. Her face remained passive. “I am talking to an invisible person. What do you think is going on here?”

She looked cute when she was serious. It tickled my heart to learn her facial expressions.

“Shall we take a seat?” I gestured to the bench by the door and immediately remembered she couldn’t see me.

“I guess so. I’d prefer to sit outside.”

“Umm, I’m afraid I can’t go that far. I’m confined to 100 meters of that vase,” I frowned at my limitations.

“You didn’t tell me how that happened? Are you like some Aladdin Jinn?”

My laughter was cut short when I realized she was serious.

I cleared my throat. “No. I can’t grant you any wishes. That is just an exaggeration of sorts.”

“Okay, let’s sit by the door and you can continue your story,” she headed towards the door and I followed eagerly. It felt great to have someone to talk to.

Once she had settled, I began my story.