Chapter 14: The Long Week

It was day two and Fatima still hadn’t returned home. By this point, we all had given up hope of ever seeing her again. Our two houses were deathly silent. No one talked. No one made a fuss, and no one bothered me to come downstairs and look after the house. Both my parents were eating over at Uncles and I barely saw them, which was fine by me. Except, with everyone being so stressed out and gossip flying around, our parents had forbidden us to leave the house until the commotion died down.

Yesterday morning, I had woken up early to the smell of French toast cooking in the kitchen. When I reached downstairs, I was surprised to see both Uncle and Aunty eating breakfast with my parents. As I entered the kitchen, I was told that school was cancelled until Fatima was found. I knew arguing was pointless and now wasn’t the time to cause drama when something so big was taking root in our family.