Chapter 31: The Goodbye

It was Monday morning, and I was in my room packing a bag of the most important things I possessed. Sadly, I had nothing I truly valued, no books to call my own, no trinkets and no sentimental items that I simply couldn’t live without.

I had packed a few clothes and Vazar had materialized them into his vase. Today was the day we would be leaving my parents’ house. We couldn’t risk staying longer for the authorities to show up and take me into custody. By leaving a few days ahead of schedule, we were buying time for a good head start.

Fatima had found us a room on her street and had rented it in her name, so we wouldn’t be homeless. The plan was to leave London and settle somewhere that was safe and off the grid so that no electronic traces of me were left behind.

“Where are you off to?” Amaara barged into my room.

“When will you learn to knock?” I asked.

“When you get married, that’s when I’ll knock!” She teased. “Speaking of marriage, what did you think of Akbar?”