Chapter 96 Charybdis but lmao nope

In a world with fragmented skies and constantly shifting horizons, six existences are flying in the air, with five of them grouped together facing off against the sixth one.

The five are Milim, Illya, Mikoto, Ranga, and myself.

Ranga is currently running through the skies at a moderate pace while everyone else is leisurely sitting on his back, staring at the giant monster that is the sixth, Charybdis.

I just wanna quickly say that Ranga's white fur is SO comfortable.

Charybdis is this giant 'fish' that can fly. Its most prominent features are its giant eye located at the very front of its body and its three large fins, two on both sides and one on its back. Except for its eye, its entire body is covered with ocean blue armour-like scales.

If anything, it looks more like an aircraft carrier. It looks nothing like a fish.

I would call it a 'blue thing' but that title is reserved for a certain useless water goddess.

Charybdis is a being born from a cloud Veldora's magicules, which probably relates to its fucked appearance that has nothing to do with fish.

My bet is that Veldora farted which gave birth to this guy.

Milim- "Ooh! It's pretty big, isn't it! I bet I would have to give it a decent punch to take it down! Hey hey, can I go first?"

My lips twitch.

Rimuru- "If you go first, there will be nothing left for us…"

Milim deflates, prompting Mikoto to pat her back. I wryly smile at the scene and look over to Illya.

Illya senses my gaze and turns to me before nodding slightly.

So Phobio is fused with it huh? Although it was almost certain, I just wanted to make sure.

I place my hand on Ranga's head and pet it a bit.

Rimuru- "Hey bud. Can you take us down?"

Ranga- 'Of course, Master!'

Ranga happily accepts my request and dives down. He quickly reaches a small opening in the forest below. Landing softly, Mikoto, Milim and Illya jump off Ranga's back. While I'm still on, I look at the girls on the ground.

Rimuru- "Then, as planned, I'm going first to have my fun. And don't worry, you'll get your turn."

Illya- "Don't take too long, Onii-chan!"

Milim- "Make you sure leave him as healthy as you can for me! Please!"

My lips twitch again.

Mikoto's hand drops on Milim's shoulder.

Mikoto- "Well, don't worry about it, Milim. Rimuru would probably beat it to death before reviving it again once he's done."

How did she know!?

My eyes widen as I look at Mikoto with shock. Looking at me out of the corner of her eyes, she forms a teasing smile as she closes an eye and pokes her tongue out. My shocked face is replaced with a defeated look before I turn my attention to a pouting Milim.

Rimuru- "Then you can go next, alright?"

Milim brightens up and she raises her fists into the air.

Milim- "Umu! Hurry up then!"

Rimuru- "Yes Maam."

I pat Ranga's back. He crouches down slightly before leaping high into the air. Space attributed magicules gather around his paws, solidifying the space around it for a split second as he pushes off of them, now running through the air directly towards Charybdis.

Rimuru- "Now then, how should I deal with you…"

I don't ask this question because this giant fish would be troublesome to deal with, it's just that there are too many ways I can deal with this situation and I want to get the most out of this chance.

Should I just teleport him into the sun while screaming "be gone thot"? Should I just cut him in half? Should I engrave runes on his body, disabling its flight sending it crashing into the ground before I start teabagging it?

Choices choices…

Ranga quickly approaches the giant enemy spider- *Cough!* I mean the giant enemy fish, crossing several kilometres in just a few seconds.

Ranga- 'Master, what shall you do?'

Rimuru- "I don't really know. Most of my tactics will kill this thing too quickly while the others won't give me enough satisfaction…"

I close my eyes and cover my shin with my hand in thought.

If Frey, the one currently worrying over the Charybdis issue the most, heard what I just said, I wonder what her reaction would be…?

I mean, being a Demon Lord, she has her own kingdom to look after. Since she's a harpy and the majority of her kingdom is some form of flying type majin or monster, Charybdis, who is renowned as the Ruler of the Skies, is kind of a death sentence for them.

But I digress. Charybdis won't be bothering them ever again, so I don't need to think about it.

But what shall I do with this guy?

Ranga- 'Master, perhaps you could… limit your overwhelming strength?'

Ranga hesitantly suggests. I open my eyes again and hit my fist into my palm.

Rimuru- "Oh! That could work!"

Smiling, I invoke the ultimate skill [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation]. Motes of light form into existence from my magicules and gather together in a single spot above my open palm. The light disperses, revealing a ring.

The ring is a simple one, having a black band but a thin trace of gold along its edges. Slipping the ring on, a slight suffocating feeling overcomes me before quickly disappearing.

Haha! It worked! Now I don't have to consciously hold back my strength!

Bringing out Yamato from my [Gluttony] storage, I unsheathe it as Ranga closes in on Charybdis. A link forms between the ring I just created and Yamato, restricting the sword's strength as well.

Pumping my magicules into the blade, I swing it down with a wide grin on my face.


A thin flash of light leaves the edge of the sword, splitting the world in half. Slowly Charybdis begins to lose altitude. As I wonder why, its body begins to separate into two pieces, split straight down the middle.





The fuck!?

As I was wondering what the hell just happened, Illya contacts me through [Thought Communication].

Illya- 'Onii-chan… You didn't limit yourself with that ring yet. You just put it on, it didn't do anything.'

Rimuru- 'Eh? B-but-'

Illya- 'Do you remember Charybdis' skills?'

Rimuru- 'Yeeees…?'




Oooooh, now I get it.

That suffocating feeling I got wasn't from the ring… it was from Charybdis' [Magic Interference] skill…

Illya- 'With your infinite magicules, you just bulldozed through the anti-magicule field around Charybdis, rendering it useless. And since you weren't holding back…'

Charybdis got one shot…

Rimuru- "FUCK!"

Using [Scathath, Lord of Runes], several long strings of runes flow out of my outstretched hand that's not holding Yamato. Like threads, the runes weave in between the two separated parts of Charybdis, bring it back together. With another flash of light, it was completely healed.

This time, I imbue some magicules into the ring, activating its effect. Not feeling any different, I test it out by swinging Yamato to the side.

The space in front of it wobbles slightly, rippling outwards before disappearing after a dozen meters.

Rimuru- "No magicules imbued and only affecting space this much… it worked!"

Definitely seeing a heavy reduction in firepower, I snap my head towards Charybdis, a wide grin once again forming on my lips.

Rimuru- "Yoloooooooooooo!"

Ranga takes off towards Charybdis (again) and I swing Yamato down at it (again).


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Particles] [Control Natural Elements]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, Harpe, [Raphael] Skill Orb, Limiter Ring


A/N: *insert random comment here*

MC: *Insert witty reply*

AN: *Insert insulting comeback*

MC: *Insert another insulting comeback*

I present to you: Author Notes.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!