Chapter 97 Charybdis (this time for real)

Rimuru- "Allahu akbar!"


A large explosion hits the left wing of the giant flying fish, causing it to smoke. However, it clears after several seconds revealing a completely unharmed surface.

Rimuru- "Well, I guessed as much…"

Using [Control Natural Elements] I induced an explosion on the big guy, but with my strength being restricted with the Limiter Ring I made last chapter- *Cough* a few minutes ago along with the anti-magicule field around it, Charybdis is pretty much unharmed.

And no, I was not being racist. I screamed because I wanted to try and increase its firepower. Apparently screaming like this makes things better… I guess you need plot armour for that.

Damn shounen protags and their constant screaming… Those bastards lied to me.

Charybdis doesn't see me as a threat yet, but to satisfy its thirst for destruction, it begins its attack. Ranga, sensing this, speeds up and prepares to dodge anything thrown at us.

Rimuru- "Incoming!"

Without a moment of hesitation, Ranga teleports himself several meters to the left. Moments later, a red-ish magenta beam of pure energy vaporises the area we were just in. The next moment, it impacts the ground.


Not even questioning how a laser beam can make the ground explode like it came out of a Michael Bay film, I decided to poke it back a bit.

I sheathe Yamato and send it back to my [Gluttony] stomach before I take out a familiar purple and black coloured scythe.

Rimuru- "Harpe."

I call out its name as I begin to look at it fondly.

To be honest, I haven't really found a decent opportunity to use it again. It's a weapon that specialises only against certain types of enemies, after all. And so, rather than just letting it sit in my stomach for the next several decades or so, I thought it best to… well… let it go with a bang.

I stand up on Ranga's back, using [Universal Thread] to tie myself down. I hold Harpe tightly in my right hand, bringing it over my head in a throwing position. Temporarily lifting my physical limitations, I pump Harpe with as many magicules as I can.

And then, I throw it.


Creating a shockwave as it breaks the sound barrier, rotating as it flies directly towards Charybdis, I limit my physical strength again and watch the fireworks.

???- "*In the distance* Beyblaaaade…!"

I swear I heard something.

Seconds later, with a silent flash of light, a large gaping wound appears on the underside of one of its wings, spanning a hundred meters or so. I raise my hand up in a salute as I pay respects to our fallen soldier.

Rimuru- "You've served me well… even if it was only a couple times…"

Without warning Ranga teleports again as another beam of energy vaporises the area we were just at, causing another explosion on the ground.

Rimuru- "Waah, it's definitely angry."

Wryly smiling as Charybdis charges up another energy beam in its eye, I take Yamato out from my [Gluttony] stomach again. Not bothering to unsheathe it, I hold it like a bat.

Charybdis fires its eye laser beam, but I just cover Yamato in my magicules while writing some temporary runes on its sheathe.

Rimuru- "Ranga, don't move."

Ranga was just about to teleport but stops the process deciding to trust me.

Just as the laser beam is about to hit, I swing Yamato.

Rimuru- "NO U!"


The laser beam's trajectory makes a nearly 180-degree turn, flying right back towards Charybdis, hitting it right in its mouth.

It actually did some damage, causing the area it hit to smoke as it regenerates its cracked and shattered scales. Must be because the attack came from its own magicules, so its anti-magic field didn't disrupt it. Interesting…

Finally seeing me as a threat, its whole body begins to 'tremble'. It's not actually trembling, it's just the word I use for lack of a better term.

Its entire body shimmers as its scales move. Before long, a storm of its scales rushes from all over its body directly towards me.

This… might be a challenge.

Wearing a playful grin, I look at the oncoming storm of scales that could potentially rip me to shreds… if I do nothing and stand there without my defences and resistances.

But I digress.

Rimuru- "Ranga, can you go faster?"

Ranga- "Obviously, my Master!"

Ranga eagerly replies.

Rimuru- "Then we're gonna do what's called a pro gamer move…"

I explain the quick plan I just made. A few seconds later, Ranga disappears from his spot.

He didn't teleport. He just shrunk space in front of him, boosting his speed to such heights that even the fastest modern aircraft on Earth would have trouble competing with him.

Feeling proud of Ranga, I turn my attention to Charybdis, who is now below me. I jump off Ranga's back and land on the wing that Harpe damaged.

Due to Harpe's innate recovery inhibiting effect, the wound it made is still there, not healing.

But, that's on the underside. Currently, I am standing on the top.

Charybdis quickly notices my new location and within a second, swarms of scales rush towards me.

Rimuru- "You're an impatient one, aren't ya?"

Using [Universal Sense] to my (restricted) limits, I begin running through the storm of scales. Since I'm so close to its body, Charybdis isn't just bombarding me. This gives me a chance to at least weave in between the scales… to a degree.

Since every cell of my body can act as a brain, my computational powers are completely off the charts compared to a normal human. And although Illya isn't fused with me, I can still access her computational prowess as the user of [Manas: Illyasviel].

Of course, I have to control everything manually, so I can only fully make use of a small portion of it.

But that's enough to completely grasp every small shift in the wind within a couple hundred or so meters around me. And that's enough to grasp the location of every scale around me and create a movement path to dodge them all.

Unfortunately, as fast as I am, I can't dodge EVERY scale. However, I do have a neat little skill to deal with them.

Rimuru- "[Gluttony]!"

The moment a stray scale hits me, my body absorbs and consumes it, rendering it ineffective. Ezpz.

I unsheathe Yamato and begin running while dragging its blade along the surface, easily splitting the flesh open without resistance. Furthermore, traces of Harpe's anti-healing power is still left, preventing the wounds from healing up.

I continue running across the surface of Charybdis' wing, constantly changing directions but always heading towards the edge of the wing, opposite from where I was dropped off.

After a few minutes, I reach my destination. The surface I'm running on abruptly drops off. Without slowing down, I resheathe Yamato… and jump off.

Milim- "Do a flip!"

I randomly hear Milim from a few kilometres away, but I accept her request and jump off the edge while doing a flip.

After freefalling for a bit, a white blur rushes towards me, cathing me mid-air.

Rimuru- "Good boy, Ranga!"

I scratch Ranga behind the ears and he closes his eyes without stopping his legs. He continues gaining altitude until once again, we are above Charybdis, but this time, from much farther away.

Looking down, you can see the artwork I made on Charybdis' wing with Yamato as I was running all over it while dodging its scales.

Those aren't random lines. They are in fact runes. This specific set of runes is one of, if not THE oldest set of runes I have. They're the very first rune sequence I ever made.

Engraved in Charybdis' wing, covering its entire surface, lie those very same runes.

υя мσм gєу

The runes glow as magicules pass through them, activating its effect.

Black flames from hell begin to burn Charybdis. It quickly spreads, consuming every part of the giant fish, until it is now a giant flame cluster in the general shape of Charybdis.

Charybdis- "Skreeeeeeeee!"

It screams out, its regeneration factor unable to keep up with the flames. If anything, its regeneration factor does nothing but prolong its suffering. It quickly loses altitude, too overwhelmed by the pain the flames bring.

I shudder to myself.

Rimuru- "So this is what happens if you don't have an Uno Reverse Card on you when someone calls your mom gay…"

Taking this as a life lesson, I watch as Charybdis crashes into the ground and breathes its last.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Particles] [Control Natural Elements]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, [Raphael] Skill Orb, Limiter Ring


A/N: Charybdis arc isnt over yet, just letting you know.

Also thank you Commandant_Aeon for the Procrastinator King title idea lol.

MC: I hate you, Commandant_Aeon. How dare you give this scummy author that idea.

AN: Dont listen to him. You did good.

MC: *Hmph*

Let me know if I missed anything!

Also consider dropping some power stones!