Chapter 183 Toaru world

A few days have passed since the kiss… or a week passed. It depends on how you look at it.

I'll explain later.

First, after the kiss, Mikoto baked me some cookies. She DID promise to bake me some, and these are probably the best damn cookies I've ever tasted, so I'm thankful.

After some more talking while we both stuffed our mouths with cookies, we confirmed our relationship.

She's officially my waifu now! I told her I loved her and she told me she loved me, simple stuff that doesn't need much detail.

But I would be a hypocrite if I said I loved her, yet I still kept things from her.

And so, I told her. Everything. My death, my subsequent meeting with the Meat Bun ROB and wishing to be reincarnated into this world with wishes.

Normally, I would've stopped there, but I remember telling her a long time ago when I first summoned her that I would explain one day why I know so much information that should be impossible to come across.

Information like who she was, the Sisters and Level 6 Shift Project, and other little tidbits of information. She never asked me how I knew all this after that day when I promised to tell her I would tell her eventually.

And so, I wanted to repay her by telling the truth.

Rimuru- "Mikoto, I need you to believe everything I say is 100% the truth."

She nods.

I take a deep breath.

Rimuru- "We're living in a simulation."

She threw a couch at me, so I told her I was joking. I then got serious and told her that this world we're in and her homeworld were written down in books as works of fiction from my homeworld.

She… took it about as well as you could expect, judging from the second couch she threw at me.

But I eventually convinced her that what I'm saying is the truth, and that's why I knew so much. She… still didn't take it all that well. Realising that she's just a work of fiction can make a weak-willed mind crazy.

Since it's me that's telling her, she didn't think I was lying. She was very shocked, to say the least (pun not intended).

But in the end, I told her my theory that all worlds are connected some way or another, and that I believe all worlds have a story to them that someone from a different world might write down as a story.

Rimuru- "I mean, for all I know, my homeworld could have a zombie apocalypse in the next few years, or maybe superpowers could get introduced. Who knows, it might even be a story for a crappy romance novel that only a handful of people are involved in, while every other human on earth would be oblivious."

(A/N: Or it could be a world that takes place in a shitty fanfic *cough*.)

Hearing my explanation calmed her down as it weirdly made sense, and she thankfully accepted it. It also helps that she's widely accepting of foreign concepts, like being summoned to a new world and being told that magic is real.

At this point I could say Santa is real and she would kinda believe me.

I mean, he's not, but that's beside the point.

(A/N: What!? Santa isn't real!?)

Speaking of promises from a long time ago, I also wanted to take Mikoto back to her homeworld if only for a little bit.

I've grown strong enough that with [Azathoth] and my infinite magicules, I can travel the multiverse.

(A/N: No this fic won't be a multiverse travel fic.)

Illya, temporarily turning on her omniscience, tracked Mikoto's homeworld down.

Once I got the exact location, I teleported and under [Azathoth]'s time control abilities, we (Illya included) appeared barely a few seconds after Mikoto left all those months ago.

Immediately after, I wrote some concealment runes on Illya and myself since we aren't from this world and don't have any identity documents… to which Illya says "lol hacking skills go brrrr" and proceeded to break into Academy City's database and insert citizenship files about us in there. All in under a second.

And so, we stayed there for a few days. We later returned back to the Tensura world, but with my time powers barely any time passed, which is why I said a few days passed since the kiss or a week, depending on how you look at it.

Anyway, during our time in the Toaru world, we got to befriend Mikoto's friends, namely Saten Ruiko, Uiharu Kazari and Shirai Kuroko.

Needless to say, Kuroko was VERY disturbed by the closeness between me and Mikoto.

(A/N: For those who don't know, Kuroko loves Mikoto… a LOT.)

I feel a bit bad for her, I mean this is technically NTR. And I'm not a fan of NTR.

And so, I did the only thing I could do… I lied.

I said Mikoto and I are only good friends that knew each other a long time ago and I came by to visit.

I mean, I could just say the truth, but regardless of my powers… Shirai Kuroko is a scary woman.

Mikoto showed off Pikachu to them, to which they all fawned over her saying that she's so chubby and cute.

Regardless, we all hung out for those few days. They also had to deal with some incident with something called the Level Upper, but with Mikoto there it was… child's play, honestly. I didn't even have to step in.

However, Saten Ruiko's story gained a bit of sympathy from me. She came to Academy City in hopes of becoming an esper, but she was left without any ability and branded a Level 0, unable to advance.

I remember in the original Railgun anime series, she used the Level Upper in desperation and fell into a coma as a result. Luckily, she woke up after the Level Upper incident ended.

And so, I stepped in and said "hey I can give you strength if you give me your soul" to which Mikoto got a couch from god knows where and threw it at me.

But I wasn't lying and decided to just use my runes to awaken her ability and advance her to Level 5 just because I thought it would be funny to see those scientists with sticks stuck up their asses scratching their heads on how the fuck this happened.

She ended up getting a high level of Aerokenisis AKA wind manipulation.

Seeking to cause more mischief, I also advanced Uiharu and Kuroko into Level 5's, Uiharu gaining Thermokenisis AKA Temperature Manipulation and Kuroko gaining Spatial Displacement.

The looks on their faces were also very funny.

I also want to see the look on Aleister's face when he realises what I've done and what I can do.

And so, Mikoto, Illya and I had fun hanging around. I also did several more things just because I felt like it.

I visited the main protagonist, Touma and made it so he can toggle his Imagine Breaker, although it'll still activate automatically if he's in danger. I also gave him an infinite meat bun spawner for Index.

He almost started worshipping me. Almost.

I also visited Accelerator and handed Last Order over to him while also making Last Order immune to any viruses. This means that Accelerator doesn't have to risk becoming something like a cripple to save her.

I visited Mikoto at her school, with my androgynous looks it was easy getting a pass by pretending to be a girl. I gained the attention of Shokuhou Misaki as a result since I was close to Mikoto. I don't know what to think about that…

All this happened in those few days before heading back to the Tensura world. Although I promised that we would visit often.

I wonder when I'll tell Mikoto's friends about the fact that I'm from another world…

And now we're back in Avalon!

But first, I gotta do some things. It's time for a security overhaul…


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: This is like a small Omake chapter if anything, just skimming over the whole thing. It's because I didnt want this to be a Multiverse fic, so this is gonna be the only otherworld chapter I write... maybe. I dont know. Most likely.

MC: Although I'LL still visit every so often. Sucks to be you, readers!

AN: Look at this smug bitch... >_>

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!