Chapter 184 New Avalon

Right, the plot is pretty much fucked at this point. Furthermore, this is an Alternate Universe, so I couldn't REALLY count on the plot in the first place.

Bryce is the perfect example of why.

Rimuru- "And so, I decided to revamp Avalon's security!"

Don't get me wrong, Avalon is plenty secured already. It has some golems wandering around that can wipe out entire battalions of normal humans singlehandedly without a scratch. Any more and they MIGHT get a scratch though. Just a nick.

Furthermore, Avalon's buildings are stable enough to not shake even in the epicentre of a 10.0 earthquake courtesy of [Raphael]'s building designs and my runes.

We also have other monsters that wander the streets that the city hired for even MORE security, and they are also stronger than the average monster. Note that the average monster is already Rank C, maybe even Rank B courtesy of the high concentration of non-lethal magicules in the air.

(A/N: Remember that NORMALLY a high concentration of magicules can suffocate weaker monsters and even humans, thus the term "non-lethal".)

And finally, the pride and joy of Avalon, the giant fucking barrier covering the whole city.

The barrier has a multitude of effects from air and magicule cleaning, weather control, and most importantly, protection.

No, it can not substitute a fucking condom, that's not what I meant by protection.

Rimuru- "The barrier covers the entirety of Avalon and protects it from outside threats such as other hostile monsters and large attacks. It's very strong, being reinforced by my runes!"

I brag while sitting on a stool in front of a bar with a drink in my hand. Right now, Illya, Mikoto, Catgirl Shizu, Pikachu, Shion, Shuna and I are sitting inside Treyni's new bar, with Treyni herself standing behind the bar wiping already clean glasses.

She always wanted a bar at the very top of a skyscraper, and now she has one! All thanks to Geld and the other High Orcs and High Ogres working in construction day after day.

Now, the entirety of Avalon is completed! See, I knew I didn't have to make everything myself even though it could've saved months of time…

Pikachu- "Pikachu?"

I nod my head as if I understood a word Pikachu said.

I didn't, by the way…

Rimuru- "Yes, it could've easily defended against Farmus and their otherworlders, but probably not Bryce. I mean, he HAD (laughs) the powers of a True Dragon along with that broken Destruction Attribute lightning."

I mean, that bullshit lightning can break down stuff into their basic molecules. MY stuff specifically, which makes it even more bullshit.

No one gets to destroy my stuff and walk off scot-free.

I swirl the liquid in my glass as I continue to explain.

Rimuru- "Furthermore, I don't think the barrier could go head to head against other True Dragons or Demon Lords on the level of Guy or Milim. And who knows if there will be other existences on the same level as them."

I mean, given enough time, they can turn the world into a wasteland.

So although my barrier can contend with 99% of the world, I want that to be 100%.

And with my new [Odin, God of Runes] and [Yahweh, God of Creation] Ultimate Skills, that becomes easy.

I put down my drink, write some runes in the air and flick it causing it to shoot through the ceiling. Closing my eyes and feeling it hit the barrier, I smile.

Rimuru- "Right, done."

Pikachu- "Pika!?"

Rimuru- "Yes, that's all I had to do."

Pikachu- "Pikachu?"

Rimuru- "Well, I simply wrote an indestructibility rune while creating an indestructibility concept and imbuing it into that rune with a flick, which caused it to fly off and bond with the barrier."

Pikachu just stares at me with a deadpan expression.

… Speaking of which, why is Pikachu the only one talking to me?

I look over towards the other girls in the room and realise… they're not paying attention to me. Instead, Illya, Mikoto, Treyni, Shuna, Shion and Shizu were in their own little girlish world talking about… stuff.

I don't know why. Even though I'm right next to them and I'm boosting my hearing to its limit, I can only hear whispers and unintelligible words. Is this the legendary "girls talk" that forbids any male from listening in!?

A fearsome thing. I'll have to ask Illya what they're talking about… later.

(A/N: He won't.)

Anyway, just reinforcing the barrier isn't enough. I mean, it is enough, but what's stopping me from going overkill?

Plus it'll look awesome at the end of it.

But first, so as to not cause panic, I must notify every citizen in Avalon.

And by "I", I mean myself. To be more specific, I mean my Clone.

Using [Thought Communication], I contact an overworked slime as I take a sip from the drink in my hand. I savour the taste of cola and stand up from my stool, slowly exiting the room and into the elevator.

(A/N: Yes I know [Thought Communication] was absorbed into [Codex: Illyasviel], I'm just saying MC is using the [Thought Communication] aspect of it.)

Rimuru- 'Hey.'

Clone Rimuru- 'Oh no.'

Rimuru- 'You should know what I'm thinking about now. Get to it.'

Clone Rimuru- 'Fuck you.'

Rimuru- 'I'll take that as a yes. How's Kirara, by the way?'

Clone Rimuru- 'She tried escaping, but after she realised that everyone has immunity to her [Bewilder] Unique skill, she just gave up. Right now, she is my official secretary, much to the chagrin of a certain purple-haired kijin.'


An explosion appeared in Treyni's bar that I just left.

Clone Rimuru- 'Goddamit Shion.'

I close the connection while praising Shion in my head. She does marvellous work. Although I do hope everyone else in there is fine. I wonder what happened.

The elevator reaches the bottom and the doors open. I continue to walk through the city, waiting for Clone Rimuru to finish his work.


A few hours later, a message was sent to everyone's phone.

Yes, everyone has a phone. It's a necessity in Avalon as everything can be done with it. Created using blueprints Illya made, Vesta, Kaijin and every other Avalon scientist worked hard on making the best product they could.

After that, I just made a duplicator machine, and now literally everyone, whether monster, human, demihuman, etc has a phone given for free.

With the phone, you can do so many things. Communication, internet access (yes we also have internet), and even using it to pay for things.

Avalon is a really advanced city.

Anyway, a certain message was sent to everyone's phone. It said this:

"Shit's about to happen so don't freak out. Countdown: 3 min, 47 sec,"

The countdown started counting down. I smile and got to work.

… Well, most of my work consisted of waiting for the countdown to reach 0.

0 min 5 sec

0 min 4 sec

0 min 3 sec

0 min 2 sec

0 min 1 sec

0 min 0 sec

As soon as the timer hit zero, I got to work for real.

Standing in the skies high above Avalon, I wave my hands.

The ground throughout the entire city trembled slightly.

I lower my hands towards the city and hold my fingers open. I then clench my fist and pull my arm back.

With a not-so-violent shake, the city was lifted a meter or so… and it continued rising.

2 meters. 5 meters. 15 meters. 50 meters. 200 meters…

A few minutes later, there are about a few kilometres between the now floating city and the ground. The barrier is doing its job at keeping the atmospheric pressure inside it the same.

Waving my hands again, the giant crater where the city used to be was filled and greenery and grass quickly grew.

If anyone looked at this scene from the ground, they would see a giant city over 5000 km2 floating among the clouds.


I snap my fingers. A glowing portal appears next to me, with sparks appearing around its edges. It quickly enlarges, becoming over several hundred kilometres in diameter.

Waving my hands forward, the portal quickly "eats" the city. I can imagine a few people in the city will be panicked, but they have no reason to be.

The city and everyone inside it soon find themselves in the same place.

I mean, the skies didn't use to look like shattered glass, right?

Placing a few anti-gravity runes under the giant landmass to keep it in the skies as I slowly release my hold over it, I smile. THIS is the overkill I was talking about!

A giant floating city in another dimension!

I mean, how cool is that!?


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: Small bonus chapter!

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!