Chapter 198 It's a trap!

(Ffej POV)

My name is Ffej. I am a soldier in Demon Lord Clayman's army.

My parents had two children, and I was the second child. My parents named my older brother Jeff, and they named me Ffej.

Unfortunately, however, Big Bro Jeff was a model citizen and gained too much social credit, even more than Clayman. So Clayman got jealous and killed Jeff.

Big sadge.

But it's ok. Jeff is the type of person who puts in milk before their cereal, so I wasn't that close to him anyway. My mom also died long ago and my dad went to get milk from the local store, so I wasn't that close with them either.

I don't hate Clayman, but I do think he's a cocky prick. Well, from what I've heard of him anyway. Never seen him up close before. I mean, aren't all schemers cocky pricks who think that everything is under their control?

Just a personal thought.

As for what I look like? I don't know. I'm just a temporary character that the author made up, so he hasn't bothered fleshing out any details on what I look like.

Although I seem like a pretty chill guy. Guess the author was also too lazy to make me an enthusiastic person.

Right now, Clayman sent me and the rest of his army into Demon Lord Carrion's territory to… well, I'm not sure. I'm just a normal foot soldier after all. I'm sure it isn't something peaceful either.

Carrion disappeared last I heard, got attacked by Milim. At least, that's the rumour going around.

Clayman also seems to be getting a bit TOO cocky as well, ever since Milim started hanging around him. Did they strike some kind of deal?

Yamza- "Alright you shits! We're moving out!"

That was Yamza, he's the leader of the army. He is one of Clayman's Five Fingers. The middle finger, to be exact. It suits him since he looks like a dick. He's also known as the Frozen Swordmage because of his weapon that… you know… freezes stuff.

He's also a prick.

A dick prick.

???- "Yamza-sama, which direction should we head?"

One of the squad commanders asks Yamza. He's the type to suck up to Yamza. Also a prick.

Yamza- "West! There's a large group of those damn beasts heading that way. We'll intercept them and wipe them out!"

We're going to kill them? Hmm… I feel like something is going to go wrong. My Ffej Senses are tingling.

Jeff and I both had a unique sense that was always scary accurate. But while Jeff's Jeff Sense is always correct, my Ffej Sense is always the opposite.

How do you think he got so much damn social credit then?

But right now, my Ffej sense is saying everything is going to be okay. That means shit is going to go down. Most likely, it won't be good for us either.

But Yamza, that dick prick, doesn't even question his information, and quickly moved the whole army west.


We find a large cluster of people running away from us. Like, really large. Scary large. My Ffej sense projects a sense of calmness I've never felt before.

That's bullshit, there's definitely something wrong.

Ffej- "I need a vacation."

I drop the simple spear in my hand, turn around, and casually stroll away.

Something is going on, and I want no part of it. I hear Avalon is a pretty relaxing place, I should move there…

(Third Person POV)

Yamza rushed towards the group of people along with his army, charging headfirst. It doesn't matter if they are citizens of Carrion's country or not, he just has to kill shit for his lord to evolve into a True Demon Lord.

Turns out that was a mistake.

After chasing after the mysterious group for HALF AN HOUR, something happened.

You would think that even though they caught up fairly quickly, it would be suspicious as hell if they couldn't close the relatively small gap in 30 minutes, but nope. Rimuru threw a Fortnite video collection into the pockets of a random soldier grunt which lowered the IQ of everyone in a large radius.

If anything, the mysterious group is keeping that distance because they don't want to get anywhere near it. But, the mysterious group is also leading Yamza and his army to a specific point.

A few minutes later, a massive magic circle appeared under both groups and a barrier rose along the outskirts of the circle, trapping everyone within.

The mysterious group turned around, and for the first time, Yamza thought something was wrong.

Yamza- "Were they always wearing armour and holding weapons?"

Yes, Yamza. Since the very beginning. It's just that the video collection was destroyed at the moment the magic circle activated.

And so, with his IQ returned, Yamza looked around and quickly came to a conclusion.

Yamza- "IT'S A TRAP!"

Yamza said as he points towards a suspicious individual. They are a catgirl wearing a blue dress.

Felix- "I'm not a trap nyan~!"

Subaru- "Oy, we're about to have a battle. Pay attention."

Rem- "Subaru-kun is correct!"

Benimaru- "Stop talking so much! All troops, charge!"

The battle was insanely hard, both sides were evenly matched and it all came down to the wits of their commander, doing everything in their power to outsmart the opposing side…

No, not really, Avalon completely trashed Clayman's side.

Within five minutes, Yamza made a retreat order. Unfortunately, the magic barrier surrounding them was designed specifically to prevent any kind of fleeing done by anyone NOT an ally of the caster.

Even more surprising is that Rimuru had no part in constructing the barrier. Hell, Rimuru didn't touch anything to do with the battle either, except for the Fortnite video collection.

The plan went flawlessly. Lure them into a barrier zone made by Shuna while Benimaru, Hakurou, Shion, Gabil, Geld, Ranga and the rest of the army went wild and crushed them. It's a simple plan but quite unbreakable.

And did I mention that the barrier also blocked any kind of transmission? So Clayman has no clue this is happening.

At all.

And he won't until Walpurgis.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: It's a trap!

MC: It's a trap!

Mikoto: It's a trap!

Illya: It's a trap!

Felix: I'm a trap nyan~!

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!