Chapter 199 Walpurgis (but not yet lmao)

Next day…

Today is the day Walpurgis will start! Fucking finally! I was losing sleep from anticipation.

I'm just kidding, I can't sleep! Hahaha!





Anyway, the first half of my-

Illya- "*Cough*"

Correction, the first half of Illya's plans were completed, Clayman's army of over 30 thousand grunts was completely wiped out. There's no trace of them remaining.

Yamza, the leader of the group, was a bit of a prick and antagonised pretty much everyone on the opposing side, calling them cowards.

They can handle being called cowards and laugh it off, they don't give two shits about it. It's an integral part of their training to not care about their pride all that much as it can lead to unfortunate events.

Of course, when he called ME a coward too, he was then drowned in bloodlust and proceeded to immediately piss himself from fright before dying shortly after.

So much for the so-called "Strongest of Clayman's Five Fingers", at least according to Mjurran.

Anyways, as I just mentioned, today is the day Walpurgis will begin. Specifically, it will begin at midnight, which is about an hour from now. Once midnight hits, the second half of Illya's plan will begin.

Ramiris- "What happens in the second half?"

Ramiris says while still chewing on food. It's not a meat bun, it's a lamington cake from a store nearby. We're sitting on a bench in a park along with Jarvis, Treyni, Shizu and Illya.

This is the 322nd snack Ramiris had today. That's also not including breakfast, lunch, and a very recent dinner.

I blame Treyni for this.

Mikoto- "Well, it's quite simple. The group from yesterday will invade Clayman's castle and raze it to the ground."

Ramiris swallows the food she had in her mouth.

Ramiris- "Don't get me wrong, I dislike Clayman as much as the next guy, but why are you doing this to him?"

Ramiris asks with an innocent tilt to her head.

Mikoto and I look towards each other and back to Ramiris with a look suggesting that she's the crazy one here.

Why would we do this?

He's not a threat by any means, I can literally snap my fingers and everything to do with Clayman could disappear. Mikoto just needs a coordinate and she can bombard Clayman and his estate with high energy lightning strikes from halfway across the world.

That's not including any of my other subordinates like Benimaru, Shion, Shuna, Ultima, Carrera, Testarossa, Ranga or (god forbid) Diablo.

So why would we do this?

Rimuru- "Obviously it's to fuck with him more."

Mikoto- "I mean, why else would we do this?"

Ramiris looks into our eyes that hold nothing but the purest of intentions.

Ramiris- "… You guys need therapy."

Ramiris says with a blank face as she accepts another lamington from Treyni.

Treyni- "Here, Ramiris-sama! This time, it's banana flavoured!"

Ramiris- "Ooh!"

Shizu- "So, when are we going?"

Shizu asks while licking her fingers from the residue lamington she just finished eating, a habit from when she was a cat.

Rimuru- "We can go now if you want?"

Ramiris- "Meh, you don't need to go now. There will be someone to pick me up, and you guys can just follow me."

Ramiris dismissively says.

Illya- "… Avalon has an anti-teleport barrier covering the city though."

Illya mutters as she rubs her face up and down my arm. I swear she's more of a cat than Shizu.

But she's right. You can teleport all you want inside Avalon but you can't teleport inside from outside, although vice versa is possible. Not without being keyed into the barrier or being manually let through.

Ramiris- "… Yabai(Oh no)! What do I do!? I'm going to miss it! I can see it now, I'll be looked down on by all the other Demon Lords!"

Ramiris grabs her head and starts panicking.

Treyni- "OH NOOOOOOO!"

Treyni makes a Jojo reference.

Rimuru- "*Muttering* Pretty sure you're already looked down on…"

Having not heard me, Ramiris around Jarvis' head.

Ramiris- "What do I do!? What do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do!?"

Jarvis- "Ramiris-sama, calm down. The answer is simple."

Jarvis calmly states, causing Ramiris to stop panicking so much. If you look closely, you can see that she was on the verge of tears.

Ramiris- "*Sniff* Eh?"

Jarvis- "We can simply leave Avalon's barriers."

Ramiris- "Oh is that so. Come on, guys! We're leaving!"

Ramiris flies over to Mikoto and begins tugging on her clothes, trying to get her to stand up so we can leave Avalon temporarily and wait for our escort.

Rimuru- "Oooor, I could just manually let them in when they arrive?"

Ramiris looks at me and before long, she has that smug look on her face.

Ramiris- "I was JUST about to suggest that! Nice thinking, my friend!"

I somehow doubt that, but no one corrects her. We're used to it.

But in reality, I don't want to wait for our escort. I mean, who knows when they'll arrive?

So I secretly ask Illya a favour.

Rimuru- 'Illya, can you send me the coordinates of the location where Walpurgis will be held?'

Without responding (since she's too busy rubbing up against my arm) the coordinates appear in my head. I silently thank her by patting her head, much to her happiness, and open my mouth.

Rimuru- "Ah, they're here. I guess we should get going now."

Hearing my monotone voice, anyone can tell I'm lying as a portal with golden sparks appear to our left.

Well, Ramiris doesn't question it and immediately flies through, not doubting my words for a second.

Ramiris- "Finally! Come on, guys!"

Rimuru- "… Will she is okay like this?"

Jarvis- "*Sigh*…"

Jarvis sighs and just follows after his master. Treyni already followed Ramiris blindly through the portal.

Smiling slightly to myself, I turn into my slime form and jump into Mikoto's waiting arms as she walks forward through the portal with Shizu and Illya behind her.

We get through the portal and it closes behind us. Looking around, I can tell that this is some sort of room used to receive the guests as they are teleported here.

There's only one door, and I'm pretty sure it leads into the main meeting room for Walpurgis.

But still, I didn't notice it before, but this entire place is in a different dimension? It's kind of like my Mirror Dimension in a way, as it's in a shifted reality different from our main one.

Except, you know, way smaller.

My Mirror Dimension is quite literally a mirror of the entire universe, not just limited to this world. Granted, it wasn't that big when I originally made it all those months ago, but it still covered the entire planet.

It uses the main dimension as an anchor of sorts for support and a template to copy off of.

This place is kind of like a pocket dimension that's only a few dozen cubic kilometres in size.

Ramiris- "WHO'S THAT!?"

Ramiris screams as she points towards me.




Ah, I forgot that she doesn't know I'm a slime. I gave her a story that made her think I was born a High Tier Spirit.

Rimuru- "… Tee hee pero~!"



Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: We're getting into Walpurgis now. Yaay!

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!