Chapter 68: Be Careful What You Wish For

Rick’s announcement hangs in the air and leaves me feeling even more confused than ever. This feeling I get whenever he is near is impossible to ignore, but other than Evanora, I’m not sure who to trust. If everything she has told me is true, I have a lot of enemies. But Rick seems to have proven himself trustworthy according to her.

If only I could remember.

As much as I have already gotten over the past few weeks, the day’s events have been exhausting. I fall into a deep sleep and wake the next morning to a surprise on my pillow.

I pick up the red rose and sniff it delicately, glancing at the note lying next to it. It tells me that a man named Carl is outside guarding my door and he will show me down to breakfast when I’m ready. I can’t help but smile at Rick’s thoughtfulness. After a much needed shower and change of clothes, I open my door to find a large blonde man wearing a hesitant smile.

“Good morning, Ms. Raven,” he says shyly.