“Ms. Raven?” Carl calls out.
The sound of his approaching footsteps makes Joseph jump away from me quickly.
“We’ll talk later, my love,” he whispers and blows me a kiss before he disappears from sight. I become lost in my confusing thoughts so I don’t notice when Carl steps in front of me.
“Are you ok? You look a little upset,” Carl inquires.
“I’m fine, just trying to get used to everything and find my way around this place,” I reply with a brush off.
“Can I help you find your room?” he asks hesitantly. I paste on a smile and look up at his concerned expression.
“That would be great,” I say as I let him lead the way.
As we walk, we chit chat about general things and I find an opening to ask him about Joseph. I’m still not completely sure who to trust, and I know he technically works for Rick, so I have to tread lightly.