Life Is Hard

Vines are slithering from above. They are peeking and submerging themselves back in the sea of fog as if only teasing as they try to inform us of their existence. The vines are a shade of green. This time, a lot darker than those that formed the green plant monsters Urick and I defeated. There was a lot. From wall to wall, they managed to form some sort of a net that almost looked tangled yet moved flawlessly with each other.

The area became only a little bit dimmer with the vines blocking off the sky. If it was real life, I bet it would be too dark in this maze. Maybe we wouldn't even be able to see anything.

Still looking above, my eyes slowly moved downward as I check the distance. They span as far as my vision could see. I don't know what they bring with them. But their sheer amount made me sweat and take a big gulp.

Stuttering, "W-what now?" Siti asked with her voice a bit softer than normal.