Red Fruit

It's red and spherical. The maze remains gloomy, but we could still see clearly enough for us to distinguish what they are. Their reddish color is even vibrant. They kept popping like mushrooms as they grow and increase their size. I noticed that they also grow in pairs. To be exact, their color and appearance seem similar to that of a red cherry. But, even with the advancement of technology, I have never seen a cherry that big.

"What are those?" Siti asked.

Still looking up at those cherry-looking pairs, "Don't they look like some kind of fruit?" I said. I was unsure if they're based on an actual cherry so I didn't tell Siti.

Quickly, the pairs of reddish fruit-like things approached the size of an orange. They didn't stop growing but I could notice how their growth became slower.

"So where should we go now?" Siti said. She is staring at the red fruit pairs sprouting from the vines.