Chapter 17

"Stings a little, don't it?" Brian appeared out of nowhere. He leaned against the entrance wall of the cafeteria.

Tristan sighed, somehow knowing that Brian was behind him before the comedic wannabe recited the obscure phrase from one of their favorite classic martial arts movie. He chose not to acknowledge Brian as the sting to his ego eased. He just stood there, looking confused.

However, he wasn't confused. Cianne Baxter was into him and Tristan knew it.

*I know it.*

If she wasn't, she was going to tell him so. Tristan started down the hallway after her.

"I thought you moved past this Baxter obsession. Didn't you go on a date with that girl, Minnie, last weekend?" Brian followed, trying to keep up with Tristan's pace.

"Maggie was her name, and yes I took her out." Tristan looked down the hall to his right. He then looked to his left, having to look around Brian to get a clear view. Tristan chose to go down the hallway to his right.