Chapter 18

"Looks ominous, doesn't it?"

She glanced at the attractive guy standing next to her. He was a little taller than she was, young too, maybe early twenties. "It doesn't look good," she said to the stranger.

"I saw you inside." He motioned to the bookstore just behind them. "My name is Marvin."

"Cianne," she said. She smiled as she shook his hand. Her attention went back to the sky. "If I want to beat this rain I'd better start walking. Nice meeting you Marvin."

"I bet that if we go back inside, get an iced coffee…maybe a slice of cheesecake…that by the time we've gotten to know each other the storm will have passed us by."

He reminded her of Jesse, Tranae's older brother which meant a resounding NO.

"I'm sorry Marvin, but. . .,"

"Well at least let me drive you home. I'd hate to see you walking in this storm."