Chapter 48

The room was normal enough. As normal as a room could be. It was so normal that a person could completely forget when and where he or she was. Most of the people at Dorchester Psychiatric Hospital didn't much care where they were, or when, for that matter. But Bianca Prescott wasn't like most people. She cared.

Time was different for each of the patients in places like this as well. It went by fast or at a snail's pace. For Bianca, time virtually stood still.

Bianca peered out of the window, her mind far from where she stood. In her mind, she lay in a large bed, in a room that was so familiar it felt like home. Her hair was perfect, as it usually was. Her makeup was flawless and she wore his favorite flavor gloss on her lips. He liked for her lips to look wet.

Bianca knew everything he liked. His favorite books, music, color, even the way he liked to be touched.