Chapter 49

A tap on the front door caused both of them to jump with fright.

"That was the door," Tranae said, trying to whisper.

Cianne frowned. It was way too early in the morning for visitors. Tranae shrugged. They both got up from the kitchen table and walked to the front door. Tranae was the one to look through the window.

"It's Tristan," Tranae whispered again. . .then mouthed it.

"Why are you whispering?" Cianne asked. She reached around Tranae and pulled the door open.

Tranae shrugged again, "Damn if I know."

With her head slightly tilted, Cianne opened the screen door. "Hey," she said. Cianne avoided Tristan's eyes but she felt them on her. A wave of self-doubt cascaded over her. She knew that her face was flushed with color. When their eyes met, she immediately looked down.

Last night was still fresh in her mind and she didn't know how she should act. Her face burned more like memories of what they'd done played in her mind. A muted but wondrous feeling pulsed in her.