
Chapter 18: Altar

Callie was twelve when she woke up to her bed stained with blood. She was horrified to learn she was bleeding between her legs. There was no wound or pain and she went to her mother for help. Lilith explained to her about moon blood and babies.

The concept of becoming a mother terrified her more. She imagined a baby in her belly growing like a parasite and it would burst out of her once it was big enough.

"I never want to have kids," Callie declared.

Lilith smiled and gently patted her hair. Her mother had moments when she was sweet and kind and Callie wished she could have her like this more. She loved her mother best when she was this way. Lilith felt like a real mother and Callie treasured these moments.

"I was not that older than you are when I was cursed to be barren," Lilith told her, somber. "My husband, Adam, punished me for leaving him. But how could I stay when he could not accept me as his equal? He could not love me and he hated me instead."