
Chapter 19: Scapegoat

Callie ducked into the girls’ bathroom between classes. The fourth floor bathroom was her favorite as it was the least busy since there were fewer classes on that floor. She nearly bumped into the Fourth Year girls who were on their way out. She weaved around them as they ignored her and left.

She went to the sink to wash her hands when she saw something silver on the ground. She bent down to pick it up and found it was a headband with cat ears snapped into two pieces. It was identical to the one Aubrey owned. There was a quiet sobbing coming from one of the stalls.

She walked over to the stall, unsure of what to do. She couldn’t be sure it was Aubrey in there. She hesitated before knocking softly on the stall door. There was a pause.

"Is that you, Aubrey?" she asked.

"Go away," Aubrey sobbed. "I want to be alone."