Chapter 1 "I'm am nothing?..."

I woke to a roar my brother then shook my bed, to wake me and he surprised me. I get up and hug him, my name is Casper Hall, my big brother's name is Luke Hall. My little brother's name is Jackson Hall, then we have big Jack and is Meredith Hall, they never really ever showed me their animal form except for Luke. Honestly I have no clue to what's their animal form. So I transfer to N.P.A today, to the second years. Honestly the doctors said I show no signs of transformation, I haven't had a spring out yet. But there still gonna send me because they paid the tuition, so I got to go. My mom dropped me off because she and dad are going on a business trip and they are taking my little brother. Then my brother is also heading back to North Carolina. So I head in with My duffle bag full of my personal items and clothes. I walk in and go to the main office, the halls were empty probably because the students were in class. "Umm a were do I go to talk to the counselor?" I asked "what's your name?" The secretary asked "Casper Hall I just transferred." I said as I sat my bags down, "oh so your the new transfer, ok then head down the hall and to the right. It's the first door on the left." The secretary said, I get there "Hey you the new transfer here is your keys to your dorm and there is your uniforms." The counselor said then I nodded and left. Then I got to my dorm room, I sat my bags down on the bed. Then turned to look at the desk I pulled open my drawer and pulled out a paper it was my schedule, I turned it over to find writing "right now I'm not there I will be back in two weeks, hope you get comfy." It said I took out my phone and took a picture of my schedule and saved it as my wallpaper. Then I put away my stuff in the dresser and slipped into my pajamas, then I got a knock at the door I go to open it then I hear a roar.