He darted at me and pushed me and I stepped on his tail and tripped. He started to beat me up a lot I hit the wall of the dorm building people are watching this, and there are scared stiff. Then he picked me up and took the needle of his tail and stabbed me in the center of my chest then threw me I hit the wall. A splat of my blood went all over the wall kind of like splatter paint. Then I fell to the ground my vision got blurry and I placed my hand where I was stabbed and blood was on my hand. Lara ran up tears in her eyes because of the smoke coming from the shed then before she could say anything she got hit. Like a bat to a baseball hitting a home run she flew through the wall then he picked my almost lifeless body and threw me over the wall into the highway and hitting a car and being bounced off of the elevated highway into the river I open my eyes the water was red, and warm then I got caught in a curtain. Exhausted I couldn't cling to life anymore I closed my eyes. A guy dove into the water and dragged my body out onto the bank of the river. Then a woman came and pushed him back, she did C.P.R to try to bring me back. I open my eyes and I'm in a temple I walk up to the fire then I turn around. "You represent as the leader of the animal just recognize your destiny. You are the last decedent of the monkey king. Protect the animal gate." The monk said then it goes black, I open my eyes to see a gate with two big golden lion statues on each side. Meanwhile Lara got up from the dust and rubble then and darted at the two of them using one of her feathers as a dagger, a big flaming dagger. She cut off the tail of the guy and used it on him stabbing him and knocking the girl out.