Chapter 6 "HIGHWAY TO HELL!!!"

Lara jumped over the wall and into the highway and dove into the river. She crawled onto the bank where my lifeless body was at, she picked me up and took me to the nurses office. "Go get a syringe and some tweezers now!" The principle said then Lara ran, she came back a couple of seconds later with them. They took the tweezers and moved my tongue and stuck the syringe down my throat and sucked the venom from the center of my chest. Then it hit them hard, I was dead. The police showed up later and got my body and took it to the morgue. They put me into a freezer where my hair turned white and so did my body.

The doctors came to give me an autopsy, they pulled my body out and put it on a silver table. I could start to see a light and it was getting closer, then I rose up from the table and started shivering. The doctors jumped back then grabbed their guns "STAY BACK YOU DEMON!" They yelled then I started yawning, "do you have my clothes it's cold?" I asked they got my clothes and then I look down at the whole in my chest my heart grew back and was sealed back into my chest like nothing happened. Then I walked out to see Lara crying "Hey I'm still alive." I said then she ran and hugged me. Then she started to flame then her wings popped out her hair turned to a golden blond and her eyes turned blazing orange then she grabbed me. Then we started to fly, it was amazing I could see the stars and the city lights. I reached my hand up to touch the clouds then I seen the moon, it shined so bright it was amazing. Then we landed right over the wall, I look at the wall where I was thrown at. I got a shiver, then I walked in through the dorm doors and went up to my bed.