Chapter 48: A Golden Gift

Morning came with the dread we all feel when a grand experience comes to an end. Talon woke me gently, we dressed, then moved to the fire. Breeard and Glendrig had prepared a hearty stew to send us off, and we all ate with vigour. Sarah sat down beside me, and I detected a sense of jealously in Poe's gaze.

Randal asked once more, "How do we explain our disappearance?"

It was Breeard who had the patience to reply.

"Time passes differently from your realm to ours. You will only have been gone a matter of hours. The soldiers have the excuse to use."

"Oh, right. Ok, ok."

He picked up his belongings and went to stand with Sarah.

Poe stood ready, the shiny, black raven perched comfortably on her shoulder. I looked at her, the change of plans causing me to raise my eyebrows.

"He's coming with me,"

Poe tried to sound apologetic, but Luke exploded with an excited, "Yeah!"

The raven cackled in response, then cooed when Zara stroked his beak.