A worthy prize

As soon as she entered the room, she never bothered looking at her surrounding. Her focus had been on one person alone, the man who stood just behind her.

She closed her eyes, imagining his eyes boring into her back. Her senses were heightened as she waited for his hands to touch her, for his body to capture her.

"You are the most alluring prey I have ever seen." He whispered at her back, but still, he did not touch her.

He just stood close enough for her to feel his presence. But like a predator, he watched her. His eyes studied her, reading her every reaction. He moved around her until he stood before her.

With her eyes closed, he could not read her thoughts. But with a single touch, he could sense her desire. With the palm of his index finger, he touched her lower lips, opening them a bit to release the air she was holding inside.

"Then, what are you waiting for?" She dared him to touch her more. To claim his prize.