To go the extra mile

"That is not how you treat a lady," Jacky profusely complained as he continued to carry her inside the house without speaking another word. 

She might not have been born with a silver spoon in her mouth or worn the finest clothes growing up, but she still considered herself a woman, deserving some respect.

"You should know better..." She continued with her litany while he just kept his silence.

He unceremoniously set her down in the center of the living room. Just looking at her, waiting for her to stop her rambling. But he figured that she was not done yet. 

He could think of only one way to shut her up effectively. But it did not involve talking at all. With a smirk on his face, he went to action.

"I deserve more than..." The remaining words were finally drowned out when he grabbed her by the waist, pulled her closer, and devoured her lips with his.