6. Becoming A Private Asisstant

"You don't want to come in?" Asked Jacob with his sharp eyes.

"Should I? I don't want to disturb your business. Or, should I go back now and come again tomorrow?" Angela gives a bright smile.

"Do you dare?" Jacob clenches his jaw.

Angela takes a long and deep breath before walking into the mansion that she prefers to say "a devil's house".

"Honey, who is that? Where di you know her?" Jacob's girlfriend, Samantha doesn't like Angela's behavior and look. She admits it that the girl is pretty enough and she is afraid that she will snatch her boyfriend. Jacob didn't focus for what Samantha's question.

"Hey, come with me to my working room. And, you wait for me here, okay?" Jacob shouted for Angela, who enjoyed the painting in the living room, to follow him. Angela stared lazily however she still follows him.

Suddenly, Samantha blocks her way and says something, "Do not think that you can get his attention with your appearance. I'm his fiance so throw away your rubbish feeling!" Samantha said threateningly.

"Excuse me, your fiance is not my type. Move!" Angela bumped into Samantha's body and passed her sarcastically. Samantha opens her mouth widely and takes a deep breath. She is very rude, says Samantha inside her heart.

"Sign this! And, start to work today. I will call someone to tell you what you have to do. Understood?" Jacob sits and looks at a girl in front of him which really caught his eye.

Angela reads the entire contract contents carefully. She doesn't want to miss a thing that will burden her in the future. So far, all is okay.

"Okay, the contract will end in 8 years from now. However, it can be ended earlier if I can pay you sooner, no need to wait till 8 years." Angela puts her signature at the bottom of the letter. Jacob smiles evilly. Finally, you are in my hand now, Jacob said to himself.

Jacob stands up and makes a call to his other assistant, "Anto, I will be there in few minutes. Prepare some documents about purchasing import items and put them on my table." Jacob turned off his phone without saying thanks or please. What a jerk rich guy, Angela said to herself.

"I can hear your curses." Jacob stares at Angela consistently. Angela froze in silence. "Wait for me outside. Go with me to your working place." He asked.

"Can't you say something politely like ... please ...?" Angela left the room in long and hard steps.

"What a troublesome girl." Jacob shook his head and follows her walking out of the room.

"Hi honey, is it finished yet? Should we go now to a mall? I want you to accompany me shopping. Please ...." Samantha puts her palms together while begging her lover.

"I'm sorry I have to do something urgently. I will call you back once finished." Jacob left Samantha without any hesitation. Angela has waited outside.

"Honey, I will go with you. Wait for me!" Samantha gets into Jacob's car hurriedly. Jacob sighed at her behavior. Angela still stands out of the car.

"I'm sorry... you ..." Before he finished his words, she walks out of the mansion on foot.

"HEY, WHERE ARE YOU GOING? COME BACK NOW!" Jacob shouted Angela to come back. Angela just continues her walking from the house until the fence exits.

"I'll follow you using an online motorbike. Just drive your car with your lover. I don't want to be a statue between you two." Angela came nearer Jacob's car and said that.

"Whatever!" Jacob runs his car at the maximum speed limit. Only this time his orders were not considered. The girl is very something, think Jacob.

"Honey, who is she? Why do you so much concerned about her?" Samantha asked.

"Samantha, I think I have told you that we are separated already. There's no more connection between us. This is the last time you follow me. From tomorrow, never ever show off in front of me anymore. Got it?" Jacob feels frustrated. He has no idea what makes him easily angry now.

After one hour, Angela arrives in front of a very tall building. She got this place from Jacob that shared the location.

"What kind of work does he want me to do?" Angela talks to herself after paying some money to the online rider. She walks slowly into the lobby and comes nearer to a receptionist's desk.

"Hmm, excuse me. I'd like to know which floor does Mr. Jacob William works?" Angela asked.

"Mr. Jacob Willam work? Do you mean our president director?" A miss of the receptionist's desk asked Angela back.

"Yes, maybe. Please, could you tell me?"

"I'm sorry I ...."

"Hai ms. Richi? Angela Richi? Our president director is waiting for you for hours ago. Please follow me!" Anto, a private assistant of Jacob, fetches Angela at the receptionist's desk to go to the president director's office.

"Oh, okay. Well, thank you miss." The receptionist's girl looks her down and feels that Angela is one of her boss's toys.

"Huh, she is so lucky she can be with Mr. Jacob though she's only a play date girl. I want that position too even only one night but I don't have a chance." She takes a deep breath and feels disappointed.

Angela follows Anto and they are introducing each other inside a special elevator. Not everyone can go inside this elevator, only Anto and Jacob, his boss.

"Look, I'm wondering what kind of job that he asked me to do. Did you know that?" Anto just smiles vaguely and doesn't answer her question.

"He will explain it to you directly. I don't have a right to answer your question. Come, this way!" The lift door was opened and Angela follows Anto's walk. The interior of the office on this floor is so amazing and luxurious. Angela had never seen it before. She almost lost Anto due to watching all surroundings with wide eyes open and mouth gaping.

"Miss, come. The president is waiting for you." Anto called Angela that she is still busy admiring the beauty of all the interiors on this floor.

"Oh okay, sorry." Angela is walking quickly after him. They arrive in front of the door that written 'President Director' outside of it.

"This jerk guy is a president director means he has a lot of money. Thus, Why does he bother to make me in a difficult way? I will show you who the winner and the loser are at the end." Said Angela inside her heart while clenched her hands. Meanwhile, in the president director's room, Jacob smiles after listening to Angela's curses inside her heart. Yes, Jacob can hear other's minds maximum within 10 meters. He knows what other people are thinking about him using this power. A power he gets after having a fatal accident when he was a child and made him a comma for several months. Nobody knows this power, even his parents and his loyal assistant. He keeps it for his own shake.

Knock Knock ...

"Come in!" A man with a deep and husky voice makes Angela's heart is beating more intense.

"Sir, Ms. Richi is already here," Anto said very respectfully and politely.

"Okay, you may get out. And, ask her to come."

"Showtime begins," Jacob said inside his heart.

"Please, come in. I will leave you inside." Anto speaks to Angela in a very polite way. Anto must be careful with this girl. His boss never treats any woman in this special way. Even Samantha never walks along with her and asks him to fetch her. Anto could see that this girl was very special to his boss.

"Thank you." Angela took a little bow.

"Finally, you come. Well, how do you think about my office? Is it fascinating you?" Jacob said nonsense in Angela's opinion. Angela grinned irritably.

"So, what kind of job that you offer me?" Angela didn't want to talk at length.

"Be my private assistant!" Jacob folds his hands in front of his chest.

"Pardon? A private assistant? Oh sorry, I never had any experience with it. You will have a big burden if you hire me in that position." Angela smiles widely.

"It's okay, Anto will teach you. Within three months, I'm sure you will be more clever and dependable." Said Jacob optimistically. "Don't forget! A hundred thousand is a lot of money if you only work as an ordinary employee. You will take a longer time to pay me." Jacob smiles evilly. Ugghh, Angela feels that she has to smack that demonic face and slams his body onto the floor until he will be battered. Jacob laughs out loud to hear that Angela's mind. He never met a girl like her who has a dare to reject and curse him. Usually, all girls will seduce him so they can sleep with him. Angela is very different in some ways.

"What did you laugh?" Angela shakes her head and rolls her eyes.

"Nothing! So, I think you agree with this position. I'll call Anto and please have a sit there." Jacob gives a call to Anto to come.