7. Lunch Together

"What did you laugh?" Angela shakes her head and rolls her eyes.

"Nothing! So, I think you agree with this position. I'll call Anto and please have a sit there." Jacob gives a call to Anto to come.

"Yes sir." Anto came in after knocking at the door.

"From now on, she will be my second private assistant. You have so much work to do that you can't handle it by yourself. She will arrange local matters meanwhile you will handle foreign business. Do you understand what I was saying?" Jacob folds his hands and looks at Anto and Angela.

"Understood sir," Anto said sternly.

"Good. Now, you follow him and ask him what kind of job you will handle. Oh, once more, please wear something that is a formal uniform to work. Okay?" Jacob looks at Angela's clothes from up to down.

"You didn't tell me to work in an office. I think you will hire me as a maid in your house." Said Angela nonsense.

"WHAT? And, you expect a salary of one thousand dollars for that? As a maid?" Asked Jacob again.

"Why? The salary for a maid nowadays is really big. Because nobody wants to be a maid." Angela always answers what Jacob said. And, it makes Jacob feels irritated.

"Go go, leave my room!" Jacob waves his hand on air to order her out of the room. Jacob massages his forehead which does not feel dizzy. "She is really something." Jacob shakes his head over and over.

"This is your table and chair. We will sit next to each other. I will give you some simple works to do and teach you how to handle it. The pantry is at the end of the hall. And, the toilet is in front of it. You can ask me anytime and I will answer your questions as long as I can. Is it clear?" Anto gave some explanations to Angela who nodded her head countless times.

"And, once more. Please wear a formal uniform starts from tomorrow. Now, I have to go to the boss's room. You can start to learn all documents on your table now." Anto smiles vaguely and leaves Angela alone. There are no other employees here. It seems that this site is especially for private assistants.

Time flies when you are busy. Angela can learn all documents easily. She has the power to read quickly. 5 documents were finished to read. It's almost lunchtime. However, she didn't bring lunch from home. She walks to a toilet to refresh her face.

"Hmm, the toilet is very clean and fragrant." Said Angela herself.

There are 2 women who are touching up their make-up. Angela enters one of the empty booths at the toilet.

"Hey, do you know that our boss has a new private assistant? Our company didn't open the vacancy on the internet nor share the info at intern web."

"Oh really? She must be very lucky. Do you know who is she?"

"Not introduced yet. However, I heard that she is beautiful but cunning. No wonder our boss is interested in her. You can't win a rich man's heart if you didn't become a cheaper woman. Tck tck ..."

"HAHAHA, do you envy her? Maybe, she's just a one-night stand woman. You are very smart, pretty, and from a good family. You deserve to be the boss's girlfriend instead of any girls."

"Ahhh, I'm not that kind of a girl. I don't like getting a man using a beauty only."

"Yayaya, you are very beautiful so it's absolutely no man can resist you. I envy you, Clara."

"You know what? My birthday party will be coming soon. I will invite our boss to come to my party. He should come because my dad is one of his business partners.

"Wow, am I invited?"

"Of course, Dea. You have to be with me all the time and I'll introduce you to some wealthy rich guy like Mr. Jacob. Hahaha ..."

"Awwww, I can't wait to attend your party. Thank you, Clara. Let's have lunch."

Clara and Dea, who are a secretary from a different division went out.

Angela listens to all the chit-chat from inside the booth. She smiles alone because the girl that they are talking to now is in the booth. Am I a cheap woman? I prefer to work as a maid to a private assistant, she said to herself.

"Huft, I'm not even one day working and I have an enemy already. What good luck." Angela contemplated her fate with a sneer.

"Who's your enemy?" A deep and husky voice behind startled her.

"Aaaaa ... how could you walk without making a sound?" Angela touches her chest.

"I've been standing here since ... 5 minutes ago." Jacob looks at his watch. "Didn't you see me when you walked out from the toilet?" Jacob said again.

"No, I didn't. You are like a ghost that appears anywhere at any time." Angela walks leaving Jacob behind. She wants to go to the office's canteen to have lunch.

"Where do you want to go?" Jacob shouted.

"Having lunch. Don't say that I can't even have my lunch!" Angela stares at Jacob while furrowing her eyebrows.

"Follow me!" Jacob pulls Angela's hand with her left hand meanwhile Angela widens her eyes seeing what Jacob did. However, she still follows him.

Jacob takes Angela to his room and closes the door.

"Sit! I have prepared your lunch. Eat lunch here .... with me!" Asked Jacob while he's taking off his coat.

Angela looks at the food on the table with sparkling eyes. She licks her own lips and looks starving. Jacob smiles lightly.

"Wait a minute! Why should I eat here? I'm an employee also so I should join with others for lunch at the cafeteria, shouldn't I?" Angela puts a pair of chopsticks that she held before on the table.

"Because you are still new here. And, Andrew didn't introduce you to other employees yet, right?" Jacob has sat in front of Angela and folded his white sleeves shirt up to the elbows. His muscular hands are clearly visible beneath hidden the sleeves of his shirt. Angela stunned for a moment and Jacob noticed it even for a few seconds. However, it is Jacob who is dazzled by Angela's blue eyes that seem to hypnotize him to see deeper and longer.

Angela waves her palm hands in front of Jacob's face

"Hello, are you okay?" Jacob snaps out of his reverie and turns his eyes in another direction.

"Ehem, I'm okay. Why don't you eat your lunch?" Jacob starts to eat the salad first. Angela and Jacob are having their lunch without any conversation at all. After half an hour, they finished eating.

"Thank you for the lunch. Hmm, will you deduct this lunch fee from my salary?" Angela looks at Jacob while cleaning the table.

"No, don't worry. Your salary will be safe." Jacob said.

"Ahh, thank you. Oh, I just remember. What time does the office hour end?" Angela almost leaves the room but she remembers to ask one thing that is very important.

"Six p.m. Office hour starts at 9 a.m." Jacob clearly explained it.

"Okay, thanks again. Oh, I have to tell you something. When you are at a birthday party, please make sure to be a little humble and give your best smile as you can. Perhaps, you will find a suitable woman to be a wife. Bye!" Angela leaves Jacob who keeps wondering what Angela told about.

"Wait! Come back here!" However, Angela has disappeared. It's only Andrew who sits on his chair.

"Where's Angela?" Asked Jacob impatiently.

"She went to the toilet just now." Anto points his finger in one direction.

Jacob walks fast to the toilet and stands in front of the girl's toilet. He hesitated to go into it. However, he was very curious about what that girl just said. Jacob decided to go back to his office.

"Anto, once Angela comes, tell her to go into my room. URGENTLY!" The last word makes Anto doesn't say anything but nods his head.

Not long after that, Angela shows and sits on her chair. Anto walks nearer her and says something,

"Boss asked you to go into his room right now right away."

"What did he want from me?" Asked Angela back.

"I have no idea. Maybe he wants to give you some urgent works to do." Said Anto and left her without any clear explanation.

Angela is very sure that the meaning of Jacob to send him into his office is because of the words about the birthday earlier.

Knock knock knock ...

There is no reply from inside the room. Angela starts to feel something bad was going to happen to her.

Knock knock knock ...

Angela makes a promise to herself if Jacob doesn't answer the door knocking, she will be back to her chair and not care what Jacob will do.

"Come in!" Angela takes a deep breath that the boss allows her to get in.