9. Overslept in the office

"Who? 5 girls? Did they hurt you?" Anto asked while looking at Angela's body in case of any injuries.

"No, they didn't. I'm just fine. Relax, and don't even tell this to the boss. It's just a small incident. Okay?" Angela doesn't want to make any chaos on her working first day.

"Okay, but if you get bullied, do not hesitate to tell me. I can handle them without telling the boss." Anto said with certainty.

"Okay. Thank you for your kind attention. I really appreciate it." Angela's back to her chair without any complaints.

Angela is very busy on her first day working and the time has shown 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

"Angela, the boss is calling you to his room right now." Anto talked to Angela when he sees the girl is preparing to go home.

"Right now? What for? I have to go home now. My house is very far from here." Said Angela with a pitiful face.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask him straight away?" Anto shrugged his shoulders and left her.

"Huft, what else does he want from me? I'm only a private assistant with no salary for 8 years. And, now I have to accompany him anywhere anytime? What a very expensive debt." Said Angela to herself.

Knock knock knock ...

"Come in!" Heard a baritone voice from inside the room which is the characteristic of a Jacob.

Angela turned the doorknob and opened it.

"Sit there. I will finish in a minute." Jacob is really dominating when he told Angela to do what he said. And, Angela never felt like this before. Her daddy is a very soft and humorous man. Angela sits on the sofa and waits for Jacob till he's done with his job.

The cool room temperature, the soothing fragrance of air freshener, and the quiet atmosphere made Angela a little sleepy and soon she fell asleep. Jacob finally finishes his job. He grabs his coat and took his wallet and his phone to leave the office early because Scott has called him many times to come.

However, Jacob stands still while seeing Angela is sleeping very soundly. Jacob takes a deep breath. He thought he only asked her to wait no longer than 5 minutes but she sleeps now. Jacob sits beside Angela and looks at her peaceful face while sleeping. What should I do now? Asked Jacob inside his heart.

"Angela, Angela ..." The girl is not listening to what Jacob calling. Seems she is very tired.

Jacob takes his phone and makes a written massage to Scott that he will come but maybe a little bit late.

Jacob gets closer to Angela and holds her hand. She even doesn't wake up. What a terrible vigilance level. Jacob decided to carry Angela's body and put her in a special room in his office. Angela dreams that she is in the middle of the flower garden and is flying around it from one flower to another flower. The smells are so good that she doesn't want to leave them. She holds one beautiful flower and kisses it with her lips were half wet.

Jacob froze when Angela kissed him on the neck but she's still closing her eyes while smiling in her sleep. Jacob's skin shivered. He looks at Angela keeps smiling but no idea what kind of dream that she has had now. He opens his special room and closes the door. He lay down Angela's body on the bed. Angela moves her body slightly to the right. Jacob feels confused about whether he should leave her alone or go to Scott's party.

No one ever enters this room and if everybody goes home then the office will be closed and dark inside. Jacob decides to stay a bit longer at the office until Angela wakes up. He chooses to leave the room and return to his desk to continue his work.

Time passes by without being noticed. And, it's 11 p.m. now. However, Angela is not waking up yet. Jacob stands and goes into the room to check Angela. He surely is very tired also and needs to take a rest. He takes off his suit and hangs it on the hanger inside the room. He takes off his tie and grabs a t-shirt and a pair of trousers with him to take to the bathroom. Jacob wants to refresh his body so he would like to take a shower. His special room has a bathroom in it. The room was designed like a hotel room with complete furniture and interior.

Angela seems to hear the sound of the gurgling water of people taking a shower. She opens her eyes slowly. However, she was shocked when she realizes that this is not her bedroom. She spontaneously sat up.

"Where am I? What am I doing here?" Angela muttered. She looks at her clothes and luckily it's still complete.

"Already awake, hmm ..." Jacob comes out of the shower with his hair half wet and dripping from his hair that looks a little messy.

Angela was very surprised to see Jacob who suddenly appeared.

"Why am I here? Did you bring me to this room?" Angela bit her lip in confusion. Jacob closed his eyes after seeing what Angela did.

"You slept on the sofa while I asked you to wait. Remember now?" Jacob walked over to the dressing table beside the bed to comb his hair with his fingers.

"I should be at my friend's party tonight but you made me staying here overnight," Jacob said again in a deeper look at Angela.

"I-I have wakened up now. So, you can go to the party. Thank you and really sorry to make your stay here. I'm leaving now." Angela wants to leave the room however Jacob holds her and blocks her way out.

"it's not that simple, girl. Look at me, I have changed my clothes into casual ones. And, you asked me to go to the party now? Do you think I'm your nanny?" Jacob stares at Angela. Their standing distance was too close so Angela took a step back.

"I'm sorry that I overslept. This is my first day working and I was very tired because I'm not used to it. Now, I have to go home so I can go to work early tomorrow morning." Angela bit her lips once more. Angela always bit her lip when she was nervous and confused.

"Stop it!" Jacob said and Angela blinked her eyes in confusion.

"Stop what?" Angela didn't understand.

"Stop biting your lips." Jacob stares at Angela's lips. Angela Lips suddenly makes him want to feel it and bite it.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It was my habit, bad habit." Angela closed her mouth instead bit her lips.

Jacob walked away from Angela and sat on a single sofa.

"It's very late now. And. it's too dangerous for a girl to go home at this time." Jacob crossed his right leg over his left in an elegant manner.

"But I still have to go home now. Otherwise, my parents will be worried. I never go anywhere until late at night." Jacob feels impressed by what Angela said. Nowadays, many girls like to hang out and go home until late, some even come home in the morning.

"You never hang out with your friends until midnight?" Jacob now thinks Angela's personality is very attractive and unique.

"Never! And, I don't like that nightlife. I prefer watching tv or running my online business." Said Angela.

"You are amazing and I start to like you." Said Jacob deep inside his heart.

"Wow, I think you are 1 in a million girl. Well, since I don't allow you to go home at this hour, why don't you stay just one night at my mansion? Look, I'm not trying to seduce you. My mansion has a lot of rooms so you can sleep in any room." Jacob hurriedly explained to angela before the woman misunderstood.

"I have no idea. I have to call my parents first. Since this is the first time for me to sleep outside." Angela takes her phone out of her bag. For a moment, she hesitated.

"I think I'd better go home now. I will order a taxi online instead." Angela insists to go home and walks out of the room. Jacob takes a deep breath. He can't hold her. He takes his jacket and follows her out after turning off the light in the room. They walked side by side to the elevator door. Jacob and Angela do not speak at all and remain silent to each other. When the elevator door closed, Angela again takes a deep breath and spontaneously bit her lower lip. Jacob saw that.

"I said do not do that," Jacob said while standing against the wall of the elevator

"What do you mean?" Angela doesn't understand Jacob's words.

"Nothing." Jacob prefers looking at the lift door.

The lift door is opened and they walked out. The atmosphere inside the building is very quiet and lonely. Everyone has returned to their lovely homes. It's only both of them now.