10. The Bossy President

"I said do not do that," Jacob said while standing against the wall of the elevator

"What do you mean?" Angela doesn't understand Jacob's words.

"Nothing." Jacob prefers looking at the lift door.

The lift door is opened and they walked out. The atmosphere inside the building is very quiet and lonely. Everyone has returned to their lovely homes. It's only both of them now.

"It's 1 a.m. now and I don't think you could find a taxi here." Jacob said.

Angela began to be confused. No car, motorbike, or other transportation exists in front of the office building. It's very late night. Everyone has already slept in their house but Angela slept in the office. What a bad luck, she said to herself. Angela takes a deep breath and again bit her lower lip. Jacob noticed it and grab her hand to his car that is parked near them.

"I can't take you home now and you can't go home alone either. So, why don't you stay one night at my house? Tomorrow morning you can go home or go to the office with me. It's up to you." Said Jacob easily.

"What? Do you want me to go to the office with you tomorrow morning? Do you want me to be chopped slices by your fans? No thanks!" Angela replied back with rolling eyes.

"Fans? What fans? I don't understand what you said."

"This morning I was blocked by 5 girls. They seem your secret admirers. Thus, I don't want to risk my life if I am too close to you." Angela said. Her eyes are still trying her luck to look for a public transportation in late night.

Jacob smiles to hear that. "I don't know if I have fans. Do you think I should make a fans club? So, there will be more girls who are captivated by my handsome face." Angela looks at Jacob in a cynical gaze. Meanwhile, Jacob gave a smirky smile.

"I should go home now. See you bye." Angela takes a little bow to Jacob. However, Jacob grabs her hand and takes her into his car.

"Wait, what are you doing? Let me go!" Angela tries to escape but she can't. Jacob's hand is as strong as rock. She even can't move her hand even a little.

The bossy president pushed Angela's body to his car gently.

"You can scream as much as you want, if you'd like to be seen in this situation." Jacob smiles evilly.

Angela takes a deep breath controlling her emotion to her boss. Thus, she only remains silent. Jacob drives his car to his luxurious mansion. On the way going home, Angela feels tired so she was asleep again, though she had slept hours ago soundly.

Jacob is shaking his head while looking at Angela. The girl is easy to sleep anywhere anytime. Her alertness level is very low. Jacob is increasingly the speed of the car.

Almost 2 a.m. and the car is passing by a very tall and big gate into a large mansion. Angela is still sleeping. Jacob left her for a moment and went through the house to instruct his maids to prepare a guest room at the first floor. Jacob phone is out of battery so he can't call his house when they are still on the way.

Ten minutes later, the room is ready. Jacob walks closer to Angela who is still sleeping. Jacob hesitates for a while. He can't lift her up. However, it is impossible to leave her in the car.

"Angela, wake up! Please wake up!" Jacob touches her cheek gently that he doesn't want to disturb her. However, the girl is still sleeping. Thus, Jacob decides to lift her body.

Jacob lifted her up into the house gently to avoid Angela wakes up. All maids look each other. They have never seen their master treats a girl like that. However, they dare not to ask. One maid helps Jacob to open and close the bedroom door.

Angela moves her back aside a little after lying on the bed. Jacob had never seen a natural beauty like Angela has. Women he knows always put a heavy make up or has a plastic surgery as Samantha did. However, Angela doesn't wear make up and her beauty is above them all.

Jacob left Angela and closed the door. He went to his own room which is on the second floor. Today is somehow very tiring. Jacob sent a written message that he can't join the party tonight. However, he will go to Scott's ofice tomorrow morning before going to his own office.


The sky is still a bit dark because it is still 5 o'clock in the morning. Angela woke up due to her alarm in her phone that she always sets ringing 5 morning everyday. Angela was a bit confused for a moment. She has no idea why she was here. She didn't remember anything last night.

Angela left the room and found some maids are doing their jobs. One of them sees Angela and says hello.

"Morning miss. You woke up already. Do you want to take a bath? I will prepare everything now." She is so polite and kind in her young age.

"No thanks. Actually, I want to go home now. However, I ..."

"Do you want to go home now?" A deep and husky voice comes from a man upstair. The maid bowed respectfully and left Angela alone.

Angela was stunned for a moment. Seeing Jacob is in a half naked body. Only wearing long pants pajamas. Jacob smiles a little looking at Angela's face.

"Watch your lips! They are drooling. Hahaha." Jacob laughed derisively.

Angela wiped her lips but there are no saliva like Jacob said. She scowled because she felt cheated. Jacob laughs out loud that tears drop.

"Are you enough laughing at me? Because I want to go home now so I thank you now and I'm sorry for what I have done to you on yesterday." Angela takes a bow a little.

"Why do you have to go so early in the morning? Don't tell me that you will skip working today? This is your second day of work." Jacob stares at Angela while drinking his ice water.

"No No. I will come to work today. However, I have to change my clothes now. I can't possibly wear the same work clothes as yesterday." Angela replied. She stands in three meters distance with Jacob.

"I have prepared your clothes last night. They are in my room now. I will take them and give them to you. You can't go home now because it will be too late to work later. Wait for me here!" Jacob walks into his room.

Angela shook her head. "Why did he act so full self of confidence like that? Walking around here and there in the house with just topless? You pervert!" Angela cursed him in her heart. And, Jacob smiles widely to hear Angela's mind. He starts to like being near Angela because that girl always curses him whatever he did.

"This is your clothes! Go to you room and get ready. In one hour we will have breakfast and then accompany me to my friend's office. Last night I can't come to his party so I have to give him a gift to replace my apology." Angela receives a paper bag. She looks inside and there are 2 pieces of new clothes.

"Don't forget we will meet again here in one hour." Jacob went back to his room. Meanwhile, Angela hurriedly goes into her room, a room that she slept in last night.

Angela prefers taking a shower to taking a bath. She loves how the water drops to her head and watering her hair. She loves the feeling. She looks at the clothes that Jacob bought for her. It really suits to her. How does he know her size? Angela thought.

A blue short sleeve shirt and a white short skirt. She never wears a skirt before. She is like a boy who likes to wear pants and t-shirt.

Angela wears the clothes and looks at herself in front of a large mirror that standing beside the shelf.

"Is it me? Why do I think that I am that pretty?" Angela smiles shyly. There are also some make up tools inside the paper bag. Angela puts on a light make up. She doesn't like a heavy make up on her face.

After half an hour, Angela comes out from the bedroom. Jacob is not here yet. So, she walks around the garden beside the living room. So many beautiful flowers planting here. Angela likes gardening. She takes a special scissors for gardening in there and starts to cut some unuseful part.

She doesn't aware of her clothes that might be dirty.

"You can treat them as much as you like later. However, you are already neat now and ready to work." Jacob appears suddenly behind her.

"Oh I'm sorry. I just can't stand to touch them." Angela closes her mouth and put the scissor to its place.