13. Meeting Jacob's mom (2)

"Is she your new girlfriend? I've never seen her before. The last woman you had is a silly Samantha. And, mommy doesn't like her." Angela forced a smile. Wait a minute! Mommy? Did she just call herself mommy? Is she Jacob's mom? Oh my gosh, I just thought that she is his sugar lady." Angela bit her lower lip and closed her eyes, realized how ridiculous she was.

Jacob laughs out loud to know Angela's mind.

Angela and Jacob's mom were surprised to see him.

"Why did you laugh? Is there any reason that you had laugh out loud?" Angela is very curious.

"No, No. I'm fine. Oh, mom, I didn't introduce you yet to her. She is my private assistant beside Anto. She will handle local matters meanwhile Anto in a foreign one. Angela?" Jacob asked Angela to introduce herself.

"Oh, nice to meet you, madam. My name is Angela. I'm working as his assistant. Your boutique is so beautiful, I love it. especially, Anggrek Bulan. That is one of my favorite flowers." Angela smiles brightly.

"You do? That's one of my favorite flowers too. How do you know about flowers?" Mary takes Angela's hand to talk with her better. She is very happy finding out someone loves flowers as she does.

"Mommy?" Mary and Angela are already having a very exciting conversation about various flowers, which Jacob does not understand what they are talking about.

"Mommy, I'm bringing her to this place not to talk with you about flowers. I need your help, please." Jacob grabs Angela's hand to his side. Angela felt her right wrist would fall out because it was being pulled here and there.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. Okay, what can I help you?" Mary folds her hands and looks at her son which is very emotional.

"She needs work clothes. Could you please help to choose for her based on her personality?" Angela widens her mouth in surprise. So, this is the reason to go to this place.

"Oh, no need sir, I have my own clothes at home. You don't need to buy me more clothes." Angela waves her hands in the air. "I don't' want to have more debt," Angela whispers to Jacob.

"Hehehe, it will not be included in your debt. Think of it as an introductory gift from me because you won't be able to buy clothes for eight years from now." Jacob smirks evilly.

"You." Angela clenches her hands. This man is very good at arousing her emotions.

"You guys, could you please look at me?" Mary talks to a man and woman in front of her that ignore her.

"Angela, please follow me. I will choose some nice clothes for you. You have a good shape. I'm sure you will fit any clothes." Mary asked Angela to go inside. Meanwhile, Jacob sits on a single sofa.

First cloth to try, Angela wears a tight white short sleeves hem with a short black skirt that is really suitable for her as an assistant. Jacob swallows his saliva hard. Her breast size looks bigger on that cloth and Jacob doesn't allow it. Mary sighed as Angela felt relieved that she doesn't have to wear those tight clothes that will make it hard for her to breathe.

Second clothes, a black dress length below the knee with a white color connection on the wrist. Again, this dress makes Angela's body look sexier. Jacob doesn't understand what is on his mom's thinking. How could she offer Angela to wear those clothes? Jacob talks to himself.

Third, fourth, fifth, there is nothing that can satisfy Jacob. However, he should pick around 5 clothes so Angela can wear starts from today and the next days. Finally, the event for choosing work clothes for Angela was over. Angela is very tired. She can't imagine how models can change their clothes very fast in seconds.

"Just put them in my account, Mom," Jacob said.

"Definitely, I'll charge you. My clothes are not free. There's no mother and son in a business world." Mary blinked at Angela and Angela smiled weakly.

"I know that. Okay, bye, mom. Thank you for your help." Jacob hugs his mom and kisses her head.

"Bye honey. Try to go home more often. Your father is waiting for you every day." Mary hugs Jacob and Angela in turns.

"Thank you, mam, I really love your collections. I hope I can visit your boutique again." Angela shows her politeness to old people as her mother always teaches her.

"Anytime, just come here anytime you can. I always welcome you. You are such a nice girl. I like you since the first time." Mary hugs Angela again and this time is very tight that Angela thinks that she can't breathe.

Jacob and Angela left the boutique and get into his car.

"Who is she, madam? She looks so beautiful and she is very suitable to be the lover of the young master." One of Mary's buyers noticed them since the beginning of Jacob's arrival.

"His friend. Do not make a new gossip here." Mary pursed her lips and walked back into her office.

Her friend was smiling at her. Mary is famous for her attitude that does not easily adapt to any woman who approaches her only son, Jacob.

"Ok, where do we go now? Oh, it's almost 2 p.m. It's time to have lunch." Jacob saw his watch and decided to stop by a restaurant to have lunch first before going to the office.

"Are you kidding me? This day we've been going to two places. Now, where are you going? if we keep going like this, once we arrive at the office, it will be time to go home." Angela felt uneasy seeing Jacob who instead looked relaxed.

"Why? That is my office, I'm the president's director so it's up to me whether I will work or not. My company won't go bankrupt just because I don't work a day, even a month." Jacob looks at an outside view from a glass window beside.

"Yayaya, you are the richest person who will not fall into poverty in just one day." Said Angela.

"So arrogant! I want to close his arrogant mouth with a thick duct tape." Angela said deep into her heart. Jacob smiles while folding his hands in front of his broad chest.