14. Spaghetti Country

"Yayaya, you are the richest person who will not fall into poverty in just one day." Said Angela while widening her eyes.

"So arrogant! I want to close his arrogant mouth with a thick duct tape." Angela said deep into her heart. Jacob smiles while folding his hands in front of his broad chest.

The car now stops by at an Italian restaurant. The restaurant offers many menus from the country, which is known as a spaghetti country or a country that is also known as the boat shoe or Lo Stivale. This name got Italy not because they produce the best boots in the world, but because the shape of the area on the map looks exactly like boots.

Angela chooses a table near the window that facing a beautiful garden outside. This time, Jacob follows her. Angela orders Carbonara meanwhile, Jacob chooses Lasagna.

"Do you have a plan to go to other places after this? I think you don't intend to work today." Angela said while scrolling her phone to check her online store.

"Did you speak to me?" Jacob leaned back against the sofa, unbuttoning his suit.

"Who else?" Angela glanced at Jacob then turned her gaze back to her cell phone.

"Well, I really want to take a day off today. However, there are so many documents I need to check and finish today."

"What? If you know you have a lot of jobs, why did you go around here everywhere? It's almost time to go home for employees now. Do you mean you want to work till late today?" Angela raised her tone a little, and it made Jacob stare in shock.

"You …"

"Shoo…" Angela told Jacob to be quiet by showing the palm of her hand. Her mother is calling. Jacob clenched his jaw. How dare the girl asked me to shut up, he thought!

"Angela, are you okay, dear? Yesterday you didn't come home. Where did you sleep?" Sally shouted.

"Mommy, I'm okay. I stayed at a friend's house last night." Angela looked at Jacob for a while, and Jacob did the same.

"Will you go home today? I have cooked your favorite food. We miss you, honey." Sally now spoke more softly in a lower voice than before.

"I'm not sure, mom. I will call you later whether I go home or not. Please, convey my greetings to dad. I love you. Bye." Angela said. Her face looks sad, and forces her to smile.

Angela put her cell phone on the table.

"I'm sorry, I have to go to the toilet now, excuse me." Angela leaves Jacob and walks a little bit fast.

Jacob didn't say yes or no, he just keeps silent. Jacob takes Angela's phone and types some words for Sally. Not long after, Angela came. And. Their orders are served also.

They are eating without talking to each other. After half an hour, they finish eating and Jacob asked his driver to go to the office even the time has shown at 4 p.m. They walk side by side to the elevator door.

"Good afternoon sir." Anto greets his boss. Some women's employees look at Angela with a look of dislike. A new employee has gone all day with their boss. In fact, they are old employees but they never had traveled with Jacob, their big boss.

Jacob walks into his office but Angela keeps standing in front of Anto.

"Where have you been? I thought you didn't come to the office today." Anto asked her in a hushed voice.

"Everywhere! We went to a lot of places. I'm sorry, Anto. I'm going to my desk now. It looks like today I will be coming home late. Excuse me!" Angela gives a bow a little to Anto with a sad look.

Anto breathed pity at her.

And it is. Jacob gave her many jobs to do. Anto taught her how to do correspondences to a client, how to talk formally to a business partner, how to arrange documents, and other things related to her job desk.

Time flies so fast when you are busy. Angela was so busy working that she missed her dinner.

"Oh my gosh, 9 p.m.?" Angela looks for around but she couldn't find everyone. Think that they already went back home.

"I should go home now." Angela looks at Jacob's room from her desk. The room is still bright, which means there's still him in it.

Knock knock knock …

"Come in!" That baritone voice goes into her sense of hearing and made her heart a little restless.

"Uhm, I'm going home now. It's too late so I can't work more overtime anymore tonight." Angela looks at Jacob who leans his back to his chair while massaging his forehead.

"Are you sick?" Angela walks closer to Jacob to look at him clearly.

"No, I'm okay. I'm just too tired today. So many documents I have to sign after we came back this afternoon." Jacob closes his eyes to relax his mind and to relieve his tired eyes.

"Do you need my help?" Angela feels worried because there is no one except both of them in the office. Anto said he needs to go home earlier due to family matters.

"Could you get me a glass of warm water?" Jacob asked for Angela's help and pointed an empty glass on his table. Angela right away took the glass and filled it in with mixing hot and cold water from a dispenser in the room.

"Thank you," Jacob said after drinking the water that Angela gave.

"if there's nothing left, I'm going home now." Angela was just about to turn back her body to step out of the room, Jacob suddenly called her.

"This is too late now. There's no public transportation anymore. Your house is very far from here. Don't you feel afraid of bad people on the street?" Jacob spoke in his baritone voice that somehow Angela thinks that is very sexy to hear that.

"What should I do? If you always make me working till late, this is the risk I have to accept every day.

"Stay at my house again tonight."