15. The Secret (1)

"What should I do? If you always make me working till late, this is the risk I have to accept every day.

"Stay at my house again tonight." Asked Jacob with his eyes closed.

"What? No way, I have to go home today. My parents are very worried." Angela said. She walks towards Jacob slowly without making a sound at all.

Jacob didn't say anything at all. He didn't move either. Angela was confused for a moment. She wants to leave but Jacob can't be left alone.

"I will leave you now and I will look for your driver to go up to take you home. Take care!" Angela just turned her body a little, Jacob grabs her hand so fast that she can't dodge.

"So, you will leave me alone?" Jacob's eyes stared at Angela. Their eyes meet each other. Angela's blue eyes are so beautiful in the dark night. It shimmers in the dark. And, her beautiful face that Jacob can't stand any longer.

He kisses her lips so deeply and very intimately. Angela fell sitting on Jacob's lap and both hands touch his broad chest. Angela feels like being hypnotized into Jacob's passionate kiss. Jacob is getting stronger hold Angela's back neck. She suddenly realized and pushed Jacob's chest away from her body. Angela got up and run out of the room.

"What did I do? Why did I want to be kissed by him? Why … aahhhh?" Angela was shocked that Jacob follows her outside and pulled her on the wall so close. There's no one here but Angela is afraid there will be someone looks at them in this intimate position.

"What do you want? Let me go!" Angela tried to break free from Jacob's grip.

"Do you want to pay off your debt right now?" Jacob stared at Angela's eyes intently.

"I'm not sure I will hear good news now." Angela feels tight being squeezed by Jacob's chest which is broad and hard like iron.

"Could you please give me a room to breathe?" Angela feels her soul is sucked.

Jacob lifted both Angela's hand up and whispered in her ear, "Be my woman!" Asked Jacob.

His breath blows into Angela's neck, causing Angela's skin to shiver a little.

"Why should I?" Asked Angela.

"Because I want to."

"Why don't you find another woman to be yours?" Asked Angela again.

"Because … I just only want you. And, it just so happens that you also have a very large debt to me."

"Can we speak in a calm position? I don't think I feel comfortable talking like this." Her two glazed eyes have proven that she is currently tired and hungry.

Jacob grabs Angela's hand to get into the lift. He doesn't let go of angela's hand even for a second. Angela doesn't have the energy anymore to debate Jacob. Honestly, she is very tired and very hungry. She needs to take a shower first then eat dinner until full. She just surrenders where her hand is pulled.

Jacob drives his car alone and Angela sits beside him. It only takes half an hour to arrive at his mansion. Again, Jacob lifts Angela that she has slept on their way back home. Angela's room is the same as yesterday.

"Wake up! You should take a shower first then eat dinner. I'll wait for you outside. Okay?" Jacob touched Angela's cheek to wake her up. Angela opens her eyes slowly and suddenly she opens them widely.

"You took me to your mansion again?" Angela asked in surprise.

"Sure, from now on, this is your room."

"Jacob, this is not our initial agreement. At first, I just have to pay my debt by being your private assistant. I didn't say I agree to be your woman." Angela said firmly.

"Just take a shower now to refresh your body. And, then come out eating dinner with me, okay?" Jacob gave a deep kiss again to Angela before leaving the room.

"What the heck was he doing? He kissed me twice already today." Angela wiped her lips hard and go to the bathroom to clean Jacob's smell at her body.

Angela finished her shower and opened the wardrobe in the bedroom. She felt surprised that the wardrobe is full of woman's clothes. There were no clothes this much on yesterday. She takes 1 set and wears them. A long sleeve and long trousers pyjamas in blue colour. She got out of the room and walked toward a dining table. Jacob has been waiting for her. For a moment, he saw her with half-wet hair really captivated his eyes.

"Please have a sit. It's very late to eat dinner. However, it's not good to miss it." The time has shown 12 o'clock at night. There are no other people who eat dinner at this time, except both of them.

Angela just took a slice of bread with a piece of cheese, bacon, and assorted vegetable fillings. She takes a glass of warm chocolate milk. Meanwhile, Jacob only drinks orange juice. Angela feels shy to compare her food and his food.

"All maids have slept already. So, you don't need to wash the dirty dishes. Let them do it tomorrow morning." Jacob said. "What you need to do is working with me." Jacob continues talking.

"Okay, why do you want me to be your woman? Please, answer this honestly!" Angela asked.

"Let's talk about it at my reading room." Jacob walks first and Angela follows him back.

Now, they are in Jacob's reading room. Angela looks inside the room and observes the atmosphere in it. she takes a single sofa to sit on.

"Okay, now speak. And, please make it shorter cause I'm a little bit sleepy right now." Angela yawned and her eyes were droopy.

"I'm only a child of my parents. I don't think I can tell you the secret. However, I'm sure you won't leak my secret.

"What secret? Please tell me now!" Angela feels that Jacob's secret will be as dangerous as he is.