Hello everyone, my name is fucker and I am the most ordinary otaku. I live with my family, there is no girl, as well as, in fact, friends. Today the day has passed, for me, as usual: I read my favorite novel "Douluo Dalu". In the evening, I decided to go to the store, but I was hit by Truck-kun on my way back from 24/7. Yes, that clichéd truck. And now, I am now hanging in the void for hell knows how much time. And finally, so soon I will rejoice at everything, the most ordinary-looking man appeared in front of me.

- Hi, Fucker. I see you are not surprised at all, you can call me God, although I have a lot of names.

- hello, in my time i have Read more enough ff and novels about reincarnation and e.t.c so will i be the same

-So, since you are already aware, then let's go without ceremony. You can choose three wishes and the world in which you will be reborn.

- Hmm, can I choose immortality and omnipotence?

- Of course not, wish must match the world you have chosen. If these wishes are from another world, then they will be optimized for the realities of the chosen world.

"Okay, well then I want to move to the world of Douluo Dalu. wish 1: First, to be born in the same year as Tang San in the Clear Sky Sect; second, to be the son of the 7 elder and my third desire is to have 2 fighting spirits: 1 - hammer of the clear sky, but with changes, the hammer must be mutated with an increase in the fire type attack by 2 times, the higher the rank of spiritual power, the greater the attack power ; 2 is an item that increases resistance to all elements and passively reduces the effects of poisons, and this item should also increase with the addition of rings.

- Well, good.

- Wish 2: to have a strong body without restrictions on growth, physical strength, and the body must also withstand the bones of different types of spirits and a large age of spiritual rings, for example, if Tang San received the first spirit ring at maximum 400 years, then I, given the same physical form , I can swallow 2 times more years of the spiritual ring.

- Done.

- Wish 3: to be able to travel around the worlds without restriction, if I want to occupy the body of the protagonist, then my strength will transfer with me to a new body.

- Hmmm, this is already difficult, but so be it. Good luck on your journey, immigrant.

The next moment everything went dark and I already woke up in the body of a baby. Hmm, I can only say that being a baby is not very pleasant: all you do is sleep and shit. By the way, my name is now Tang Tao.

At the age of 1, I began to walk and develop my body. When I was just 2 years old, I started reading. During this time, I read many books in order to draw up a plan for obtaining rings, since in this world there were many different animals with a wide variety of spiritual abilities. Time flew by quickly and now, I am already 6 years old.

- Tao, have you forgotten that tomorrow is your birthday and the awakening of the spirit?

- No, father. I remember everything and hope to awaken the Hammer of the Clear Sky to become as strong as you.

-Haha, don't worry, you will definitely awaken the Hammer of the Clear Sky. And if you have good innate strength, then I will give you a gift.

Hmm, my father was shown to be too proud, but he is very worried about the clan and the fact that Tang Hao left the sect, left her in such a state, greatly angered many elders. The most powerful sect now lives driven away and cannot do anything.

So the day of the awakening of the spirit has come. Although I know my fighting spirits, this is quite exciting. After today, I will be able to improve.

- Tao, come here. Now I will awaken your fighting spirit.

I walked over and the ceremony began. Closing my eyes, I felt how something wants to get out of both hands. Opening my eyes, I saw the Hammer with black lines, warmth emanating from it. It was my Hammer of Heaven. I quickly hid my left hand so that no one could see my second fighting spirit.

- Hammer of the Clear Sky, mutated. Okay, come and put your hand on the crystal, let's see what kind of soul power you have.

I went over and did what they asked. After that, I felt my spiritual energy flowing into this crystal. That, in due time, began to glow brightly.

- Full innate power of the soul. He is a genius who appears every few centuries! Now our Clear Sky clan will be able to come out of seclusion.

Congratulations, seventh elder.

- Congratulations!

- Thank you all, but my son and I have to go.

My father and I returned home. After that, he took out a box and gave it to me.

- Congratulations, son. You really deserve my gift to you.

- Thank you, but what is there?

- Open, you will see.

Opening the drawer, I saw a spirit bone. No, it was the outer bone of the spirit.

- Father, this is the outer spirit bone, where did you get it from?

- During the hunt for my 9th spirit ring, it appeared from the beast I killed. I hid it, because although it is strong, it does not suit me at all. And now, now it is yours. Have you already thought which Spiritual Spirit Ring you want to receive?

-My spirit has mutated and it has the element of fire. I think spirit beasts that have a fire element will do.

- Well, think well how old your spiritual ring should be and what kind of beast you want to kill. In a few days we are going hunting.

- Okay.

And now, it's time to see what my second fighting spirit is. Calling him, I began to examine him. It turned out to be a snake-like ring that coiled around a finger.

So, it's time to think about your first spirit ring. I think it must be a fire-type beast for over a thousand years, I am sure that I can absorb the ring for a thousand years. All that remains is to persuade your father.

Several days passed and now my father and I are walking into a large starry forest.

Although this forest is very large and there are many dangers, but my father is a titled duluo, we can find rare spirit beasts there.

- Father, I thought and decided to hunt the thousand-year-old beast of the soul.

- Tao, you know that the limit of the first ring is 400 years, but if you try to swallow a spirit ring older than this number, then you may have a spiritual shock. You are the hope of the clan, I cannot allow you to take such risks.

- Father, you know that I am stronger than my peers and I am sure that I can swallow the ring of the spirit for more than a thousand years and since I am the clan's hope for a bright future, then I need to do it, because it will give us an advantage over our enemies and the Hall of Spirits.

-Hmm, well, I'll let you swallow the spirit ring for thousands of years, but if you feel like you're not coping, then stop swallowing right away.

- Okay.

We continued walking. On the way, we, every now and then, met different fighting spirits, but we have not yet found a suitable one. Suddenly, we heard the roar of a spirit beast. Having nailed it in place, we saw a golden fiery lion. It was a very rare and strong spiritual beast, because it was already over 1800 years old and its strength was at

the level of 10,000 soul beasts.

- Father, this beast suits the best.

- Are you sure?, because it is equal in strength to 10,000 soul beasts.

- Yes.

-Okay, just be careful, I'm going to neutralize him now.

My father attacked the beast, hitting him with his hammer, my father made the beast fly off, and he, in turn, rushed at him. The father blocked the attack and activated skill 3, after which he hit the lion several times, so that he surely did not attack.

- Tao, go and kill the beast.

I reached the golden fiery lion and summoning my fighting spirit, I finished off the lion. Immediately after that, a purple ring appeared. I began to absorb it. The beast had a lot of resentment and it turned out to be a little more difficult to absorb. Finally, I completely swallowed the spirit ring.

- Tao, you could. Haha, you're a genius. With you, the clan has a future, you are even better than this Tang Hao. What is the name of the ability you received?

- This is the Burning Hammer, it starts burning, the power of the blow is increased by 50%, by 10% for each ring of the spirit, and also deals fire damage.

- This is a very powerful ability, we are lucky to have met this golden fire lion. Well, now we return to the clan