So, after returning to the clan, I had to show my spiritual ring to the elders and the head of the clan. And so, I came to the main hall where all the elders and the head of the clan were already there.

- Tao welcomes the elders and the head of the clan!

- Come in, show us your spirit ring. I heard from the seventh elder that you were lucky in hunting the beast of the soul and you found a very rare one, but what kind of beast it was and how old he was, he did not say.

Summoning my Hammer, I showed the spirit ring.

- Thousand-year-old ring of the spirit, you really are a genius, and what is the name of the beast of the soul of which you killed and what is the ability of this ring?

- The head, the beast of the soul is called a golden flaming lion. It is 1800 years old, the ability of the spirit Burning Hammer, the power of the blow increases by 50% and by 10% for each ring of the spirit.

- Very good ability. Well, train hard, you have just started your journey. You can go, the elders and I need to discuss something.

I left the hall and went home. I also have things to do, first I will need to absorb the spiritual bone that my father gave me.

After taking out the bone, I began to look at it: it was the outer wing bone of a phoenix. Still, I was lucky that my father gave this spiritual bone to me. With the help of it, I can fly, which will greatly increase my strength and it will be easier to pass the city in the carnage. Tang San was very lucky at the end of the test, if he did not have his outer spiritual spider bone and his weapon, then I think he would not be able to pass this test.

Having swallowed the spiritual bone, I felt that my fortitude rose to level 15, which is terrifying, because I am only 6 years old, and my fortitude is 15. Of course, this does not compare with Qian Renxue's innate soul power of level 20, but I have as many as 2 fighting spirits and my ring is even better than I asked, because it increases the protection of everything: not only from the elements and poison, but also physically and from illusions, protects the mind and much more.

I started doing self-improvement, but I also did not forget to play sports, because the stronger the body, the more years for my second ring: I ran with a basket of stones, did push-ups, etc. This was my schedule for the whole day, because in this world only power decides whether you live or die.

At the age of seven, I reached level 20 of spiritual strength, but I decided not to absorb the spirit ring, but to strengthen my body. I asked my father to train me in the clan's techniques. Thus, I trained until I was ten years old and attained mastery in the clan's techniques. At the age of 8, I told my father that I broke through to rank 20 and received a ring of the spirit of Alla the fiery monkey, which was 8000 thousand years old. Now I am ten years old and my father invited me to a banquet in honor of my birthday. Now I have level 29 spiritual strength and I am about to break through to the elder of the spirit.

- Tao, you have finally arrived. Come on in, everyone's already gathered.

- Greetings, father, elders, head of the clan.

After greeting the elders and the head of the clan, I went to the feast. I saw Tang Hu, the best talent in the clan, of course until I was born, as a genius even better than the Clear Sky duluo. I went up to him and greeted him.

- Brother Hu, greetings.

-Oh brother Tao, greetings. I heard that you will soon break through to the elder of the spirit. You have even better talent than Tang Hao.

- Thank you, that's right. I'm already half a step to rank 30.

And then I saw the second elder walk into the center of the hall and began to speak.

-The elders and I have decided that Tang Tao, with his incredible talent, deserves to be the heir to the head of the clan. Tang Xiao, do you think you are the head of our clan.

-Second Elder, I'm sure Tang Tao's talent is good, but I don't think you should rush to make him heir to the Clear Sky clan.

-Tang Xiao, my son is the best genius this sect has seen. Even this damned Tang Hao who linked up with the soul beast was not as talented as Tang Tao. You can think what you want, but Tang Tao must become the heir.

-Okay, but I will only agree when Tang Tao fulfills 3 conditions. First, at the age of 20, he must become the emperor of the spirit. Second, he must pass the test of the city of slaughter. And the third condition, he must go out into the world and return when the two previous conditions pass.

-Tang Xiao, do you want my son to leave the sect being only the Grand Master of Spirits, or do you want our clan to lose the ability to rise from the ashes.

- The seventh elder, these are my conditions so that he becomes the heir to the clan and we will wait until he breaks through to rank 30 and receives a spirit ring.

- Father, you shouldn't. I agree with these terms.

- Well, well, but if my son dies, then expect revenge. Tao, let's go.

So, we came home and my father began to talk about the outside world and about the city of slaughter, although I know about that from the novel and now, we finally parted. I should start practicing, although it is dangerous in the outside world, but this is a great experience.

So a month has passed and I reached rank 30. It's time to go for the spirit ring.

- Father, I have already broken through to rank 30 and we can go for the spirit ring. I think it must be a beast for more than 10,000 thousand years.

- Okay, I'll take a couple more people with us and we can go.

The father called with him 1 holy Spirit and 1 more emperor of the spirit. After all, although the father has the title of duluo, in the forest you can find dangerous animals even 100,000 years old, which is very dangerous.

We went to the big starry Dow forest. So, we come to an area where animals have been living for 10,000 thousand years. Since my second ability is defensive, it covers my body with fire from which a fairly high heat emanates and increases defense by 100%, it is also quite good against melee fighters, because they can burn themselves on impact. While we were traveling, we saw different types of animals until we found

A dragon that has the element of fire and is 18,000 years old.

-This dragon is perfect for me.

My father nodded to me and we attacked the beast. I used the first spirit ability, but the dragon has very strong defense and I only dealt a little damage to it. The dragon launched its spirit ability and shot a ball of fire at me. I didn't have time to dodge and used my second ability. The fire engulfed me and did some damage, yet the passive protection of my other spirit and my soul ability almost blocked all the damage done. Seeing this, the father activated the seventh ability of the spirit and almost killed that dragon.

- Tao, how are you?

- I m okay, father. My second ability almost blocked this attack, now I need to finish off this beast and absorb its soul ring.

- Do it.

I went up to the dragon and finished it off. After that, a black spirit ring appeared, I sat down and began to absorb. After swallowing the ring, I got a new ability, it creates a fireball that explodes on impact, dealing additional damage and setting it on fire, which is quite powerful.

Returning to the clan, I started to get ready to leave the clan and think where I should go. To the Academy or choose another path ...