The Mayor's reward

When Yang and Yin walked into Willow Town with Freya, everyone was ecstatic praising them for saving Freya. Once the Mayor met up with them, he started crying and scolding Freya. The Mayor had scruffy brown hair, green eyes, and glasses. He was wearing a suit and had a rapier on his waist.

"Sniff, Hello, Im the Mayor of Willow Town, you two can just call me John. You, cute little rascal, why did you run away!" said John

"Mr. Tamotsu was dying so I tried to help him by gathering berries and fruits, the other animals also tried to help him, in the end he died, but Mr. Yang summoned him using his necromancy!" said Freya joyfully.

'What beast would make Freya stay in the forest for so long. I have to see this.' thought John

"Sir Yin, could you summon your beast." John asked

"Sure but with his twisted personality, you should be careful." warned Yin

"Oh, I'm pretty sure any beast in the Oak Forest won't be able to hurt me." said John with a green glow from his eyes.

"Tamotsu! Come out!" Yin said. Soon, a black nine tailed fox with blue eyes came out of the ground.

'What! What is a Heavenly Grade undead doing with him! How is he able to summon that! His technique is anything but normal! But that fox is only wanting control, he wants to take over the owner! Since it is at a low level, I can finish it off easily, but if it cooperates with its owner, it will become a force that even the gods can't stop!' John thought with clear shock on his face.

"Be sure you go on the right path, that fox is very sly." warned the Mayor.

"Oh, don't worry. If he even tries to bend my will, I will break his!" Yin said will a smirk which scared the shit out of Tamotsu.

Seeing Tamotsu shudder, John said with a smile " I believe that, now, let's get your reward!"

The three soon entered the Mayors Mansion. It was only a few meters lower than the Mage and Knight tower and it housed The Mayor, his wife, and his two daughters. Soon the two entered to soon see the Mayors eldest daughter, Mina, sitting down absorbing mana into her mana core, there are 10 stages for the mana core to be in, Black, Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, White, and Silver, each being more harder to break through. Considering that she was at the Yellow stage at the age of 18, she could be considered a genius mage.

"Hey dad, who are you bringing home this... time." Mina said with a gape mouth.

As soon as Yin and Yang entered the mansion, Mina started to think of ways to seduce them. The two brothers were just too hot, their face would make any model quit their career. Both with their masculine bodies and their blade like jawlines, they would woo any girl on the planet, Mina being on exception.

[You have unlocked a new skill]

[Looks that can Kill (SSS): Look like any girls dream man, also able to look like any mans dream look, maxes out relationships with all NPCs. Some male NPCs may consider being gay. Passive LVL: MAX]

"THE F*CKING HELL, I DON'T WANNA BE GAY GOD DAMN IT!" Yin and Yang suddenly yelled which startled John and Mina.

"Ok, I don't want you to be gay too, now let's get to the treasury." John said awkwardly.

'So handsome, and he doesn't wanna be gay because he wants to be with me!' Mina thought as she squealed inside.

Soon, the three entered the treasury, it was filled with many weapons and tools for all classes, there were also talismans and pills the two could take. This was, after all, the treasury of the Mayor of one of the biggest cities in the Universe. It would take one years just to inspect each treasure, but instead of one, it was two, and they both had some of the most sharpest eyes to every exist.

"Thank you so much for this opportunity, we shall thoroughly search through the treasures for something that suits us." the two said to the Mayor.

"Sure sure, just remember, one each." the Mayor said in a joyful voice.

'For some reason, I feel joyful about giving them my treasures, its almost like they are doing a favor for me by picking one of my treasures.' the Mayor thought. 'Probably my crazy mind, also, did they just get more attractive when they got here.' the Mayor pondered while to two searched for the perfect treasure.

For one hour, just one, the two searched until they found something just for them. "We are done Mayor John, we have found something for our liking." the two said.

"Oh, what did you pick." questioned the Mayor.

"I picked this mask! I will need it in the future." said Yang.

[Dragon Eyes]

[Grade: Blue (Upgradeable)]

[LVL Requirement: 10]


[ATK+ 20]

[MAG+ 50]

[Additional Properties]

[Can only be taken of if wearer wills it to]

"And I picked this mask!" said Yin excitedly

[Shadow Gaze]

[Grade: Blue (Upgradeable)]

[LVL Requirement: 10]


[DEF+ 20]

[MAG+ 50]

[Additional Properties]

[Can only be taken of if wearer wills it to]

"Cool masks, probably need to to avoid your endless proposals, am I right." John said in a cheesy way.

"I never thought of that! Yin, we should have thought of this!" Yang said.

"Damn it!" Yin said

"Guys... you don't gotta blame your selves." John said

'If not that, then what? Are they going to rob banks?' John thought

"Anyways, we will get going. See you later John." said Yang

"You too Yang, see you guys later." said the Mayor.

"See Ya" said Yin as the two brothers went to exit the mansion.

"Hey..." Mina said with a blush "Will you... be my boyfriend!" Mina said to Yang.

After carful consideration of the two of them, Mina thought white hair looked more badass so she decided to propose to him.

'My daughter decided to join the group of fan girls, god damn it.' John thought as he face palmed, he could blame her though.

"I'm sorry, but I shall respectfully decline, for me, a girl needs to beautiful on the inside and powerful enough to destroy worlds, even if she looks like a pig, she must be made for me. For me, beauty of the flesh is meaningless, if I am unable to reach the apex, I shall kill myself. Being pretty or not is not important to me, unfortunately for me, I have these looks, and as much as a blessing they are for you, for me, they are a pain in the ass." Yang said as as he strolled out of the mansion leaving Mina's mouth open.

"Amen..." said Yin saluting.