The World Boss

Soon, the two brothers walked out onto the streets with their masks on.

"With the help of these masks, even if we do something that wrecks the world, no one will know its us!" Yin said with joy.

"Also, no one will bother us in the real world as we aren't financially stable and Alice isn't healed." Yang added.

"True that, now, what should we do?" asked Yin.

"Grind, what else?" Yang said, but as soon as he said this, a world announcement happened for each of the worlds.

[World announcement: A world boss has spawned in each of the 4 worlds. The System shall grant a double drop rate for each boss as this is the release date for The Realm of the Past and Future. The System wishes you luck on your journey through the past and future.]

"Hunt a World Boss dumbass!" Yin said with a laugh which made Yang pull out his sword and start chopping away and Yin who was dodging gracefully.

Soon, the two entered Oak Forest again as it was the only hunting area that was accessible at this stage of the game.

After about a one hour walk hunting beasts along the way, this is what their stats looked like now...

[Name: Yang]

[Level: 13]

[EXP: 0/10,000]

[Skill Points: 0]

[Stat Points: 10]

[Class: Apostle of Life]

[Class Description: A skilled master in the arts of Summoning, can summon creatures of the highest caliber. Also a skilled master in the arts of swordsmanship. The higher level you are, the more branches of the class shall take effect.]

[Title: None]

[Summoning Slots: 1/5, Aurorus]

[HP: 500/500]

[Life Energy: 500/500]

[ATK: 80]

[DEF: 20]

[AGI: 20]

[MAG: 100]

[Gear equipped:]

[Dragon Eyes]

[Grade: Blue (Upgradeable)]

[LVL Requirement: 10]


[ATK+ 20]

[MAG+ 50]

[Additional Properties]

[Can only be taken of if wearer wills it to]

[Beast Will: Heavenly Demon Dragon King 1/5 stages (Aurorus) Time of Effect: 1 minute, Cost: 2000 Life Energy, Cooldown: 2 weeks]


[Master Swordsman's Sword dance(SSS): Do a dazzling swords dance dealing 500% of attack damage (must be holding a sword) Cooldown: 5 min LVL: 0]

[Master Summoner's Holy Summoning(SSS): Tame a creature that you can connect to

100%= 100 LVLs higher than the user

50%= 500-100 LVLs higher than the user

10%= 1000-500 LVLs higher than the user

1%= 2000 LVLs higher than the user

Cooldown: 10 min LVL: 0]

[Aura (A): Able to detect auras from other players and NPCs, can tell how much aura they are emitting and the potency of aura. You can emit your own aura, the more battle experience, the more aura you emit. Passive LVL: 0]

[Skill Link (SSS): Your skills are always shared with the Apostle of Death, when doing a shared skill at the same time, efficiency doubled (This does not include class specific skills and weapon specific skills). Passive LVL: MAX]

[Gods Pressure (S): Produce an immeasurable pressure that will make anyone fear you easily, the more you want the target to be pressured, the more it will be, low chance of instant killing target. Passive LVL: 1]

[All Seeing Eye (SSS): Can see any living beings stats in The Realm of the Past and Future that is up to 100 LVLs higher than you. Passive LVL: 1]

[Heaven Breaker (SSS) Create a sword that can defy the heavens! Can always stick to hand if user wills it too, Increases attack by 100%. Cost: 50 Life Energy LVL: 1]

[Life Detector (A): Able to detect life around you in a 100 meter radius. Cost: 100 Life Energy Cooldown: 30 min LVL: 0]

[Beast Tongue (A): Able to talk to all beasts. Passive LVL: MAX]

[Looks that can Kill (SSS): Look like any girls dream man, also able to look like any mans dream look, maxes out relationships with all NPCs. Some male NPCs may consider being gay. Passive LVL: MAX]

[??? LVL: MAX]

[Fame: 0]

[World Fame: 0]

[Universe Fame: 3000 (Hidden Quest)]

This was Yin's system status.

[Name: Yin]

[Level: 13]

[EXP: 0/10,000]

[Skill Points: 0]

[Stat Points: 10]

[Class: Apostle of Death]

[Class Description: A skilled master in the arts of Necromancy, can summon undead of the highest caliber. Also a skilled master in the arts of assassination. The higher level you are, the more branches of the class shall take effect.]

[Title: None]

[Undead Slots: 1/5, Tamotsu]

[HP: 500/500]

[Death Energy: 450/450]

[ATK: 40]

[DEF: 30]

[AGI: 60]

[MAG: 90]

[Gear equipped:]

[Shadow Gaze]

[Grade: Blue (Upgradeable)]

[LVL Requirement: 10]


[DEF+ 20]

[MAG+ 50]

[Additional Properties]

[Can only be taken of if wearer wills it to]

[Beast Will: Transcending Neather Fox 1/5 stages (Tamotsu) Time of Effect: 1 minute, Cost: 2000 Death Energy, Cooldown: 2 weeks]


[Master Assassin's Fury(SSS): Release a massive barrage of attacks dealing 500% of attack damage (must be holding duel daggers). Stacks needed to use: 5 (Charge stacks by hitting opponent once) LVL: 0]

[Master Necromancer's Undead Summoning(SSS): Summon an undead from a corps.

100%= 100 LVLs higher than the user

50%= 500-100 LVLs higher than the user

10%= 1000-500 LVLs higher than the user

1%= 2000 LVLs higher than the user

Cooldown: 1 min LVL: 0]

[Aura (A): Able to detect auras from other players and NPCs, can tell how much aura they are emitting and the potency of aura. You can emit your own aura, the more battle experience, the more aura you emit. Passive LVL: 0]

[Skill Link (SSS): Your skills are always shared with the Apostle of Life, when doing a shared skill at the same time, efficiency doubled (This does not include class specific skills and weapon specific skills). Passive LVL: MAX]

[Gods Pressure (S): Produce an immeasurable pressure that will make anyone fear you easily, the more you want the target to be pressured, the more it will be, low chance of instant killing target. Passive LVL: 1]

[Shadow Steps (A) Increase movement speed by 500% and increases movement speed by 1000% in shadows for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 5 min LVL: 1]

[Spectral Fang (SSS) Create daggers that can go in and out of space, teleport to your hand at will, and increase attack by 100%. Cost: 50 Death Energy LVL: 1]

[Death Detector (A): Able to detect corpses around you in a 100 meter radius. Cost: 100 Death Energy Cooldown: 30 min LVL: 0]

[Looks that can Kill (SSS): Look like any girls dream man, also able to look like any mans dream look, maxes out relationships with all NPCs. Some male NPCs may consider being gay. Passive LVL: MAX]

[??? LVL: MAX]

[Fame: 0]

[World Fame: 0]

[Universe Fame: 3000(Tamotsu and Hidden Quest)]

"Hey, I think I hear some fighting over there!" Yin said.

"Let me check." Yang said as he used Life Detector.

"Your right! There are exactly 11 life signatures including a beast! 3 are headed there as we speak!" Yang said in a rush.

"Damn, it's the world boss!" said Yin as he used Shadow Steps to rush there.

"Wait for me!" Yang yelled.




"ROOOOOOAAAAAAAAR!" a loud roar shook the surroundings of the middle area of the forest!

"T-This boss is so strong, why did the system make a world boss of this caliber?!" said one of the party members in a panic. They had run across this boss by chance and thought it was the perfect chance to get some loot, but they knew they couldn't do it alone so teamed up with another party nearby. Even though they had 10 people, they couldn't defeat this monster!

"Gah!!!" a male warrior was swiped back with the claw of a giant holy lion instantly dying. It was about double size of a monster truck on earth, it had silky white fur, ferocious blue eyes gleaming with killing intent, razor-sharp teeth and claws and its movements were almost like a blur.

4 people already died under this ferocious lions attacks. They didn't even have time to properly respond or react!

"Regroup! As long as we stick together we can-!"


The person who was talking looked dumbstruck, as they felt their entire body floating in midair. They had died. The remaining party members couldn't help being overcome with a sense of dread. All of them would probably die to this monstrous boss.




Three people were rushing to the battle, a warrior, a priest, and an assassin. The warrior named Max looked at the assassin Liam and Felicia the priest as he nodded, "Let's go take a look, even if we can't get anything from it it's still good to watch these kinds of battles. Who knows? We may even gain some benefits and be able to get a piece of the loot." Max wasn't too optimistic about it, but it wasn't too far away from their current location and it wouldn't hurt to look.

"Going there could be deadly if we are not careful, I've we recently reached level 8. I don't know how strong that huge monster is, but it definitely isn't weak. Well, if things get too bad, I can always use Speed Boost to make my escape, but what will you guys do?" Liam asked the group as he followed the them towards the direction of fighting sounds.

"We will just be looking, but when it is low, we will steal the kill! Since we have the backing of the Shattering Eye guild, no one will bother us!" Max said in a evil way.

"Yeah, If there is a beautiful accessory, I want it! The players in the game will TOTALLY love me!" Felicia said as she started dreaming.

'Whatever...' Max and Liam thought.

When they got there, they hid carefully within the trees making sure to not be seen, but what they saw shocked them greatly!

"T-this... This is an absolute massacre...!" Max mumbled to himself.